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Kodi user getting correct series info but not the correct episode info #17

Open antheaezzell opened 1 year ago

antheaezzell commented 1 year ago

Kodi user Luke wrote into the osTicket website, saying, "Hello, Hope you're well! Got an issue with the v4 scraper via Kodi, wondered if you could help!

win10/Kodi v19, all add-ons updated. Tvdb (new) 1.0.3 and v4 scraper 1.1.0 in use.

Shows that are nightly or date based (ie Late night talk shows, AEW Dark, etc) scraped perfectly under default settings on the old v3 scraper, using the date in the filename (IE Aew.Dark.2022.09.06.mkv or Maher.2014.01.09.mp4) to find the right season and episode number. However, v4 finds nothing - I've tried changing scraper settings to absolute, alternate etc, and everything else with the same result - nothing scraped. This is unexpected, and renaming would take a lot of effort for something that worked flawlessly before on v3. Shows in SXXEXX format scrape fine on both.

Simply changing the scraper to v3 (new) from v4 lets me get the info, but obviously this is not futureproof.

User has confirmed that he's using the right scraper and states, "The v4 one i'm using is the one from the kodi repo/that announcement, yes. I think I sourced it from the Kodi forum announcement/github link/kodi repo? That's the one with the issue, to be clear, and yes, I'm on that version.

Can't remember where Thetvdb (new) came from, but it appears to be linked to the kodi repo. It's the python scraper using the v3 api, I believe. I'm certainly no expert. This one scrapes by filename date perfectly, every time and always has. This appears to be it

All older tvdb scrapers worked fine with this task - for many years. I've been using tvdb regularly for this, as it makes life easy to scan years of talk shows, wrestling, etc.

At this link, in the table in section 2, you'll see the date column. This is what has always worked for me with naming for such files. For example, shows like The Colbert Report, etc. So, file would be "ABCshowname.2020.08.12.ext" for example.

That table seems to indicate this is the expected behaviour? Unsure why it doesn't seem to work and scrape anything named that way when Kodi seems to suggest it. I want to move entirely to the new, supported scraper, but this is a bit of a headache. Maybe an oversight?

After some investigation, Admin Paul confirmed that the v4 scraper returns nothing for a file named - Aew.Dark.2022.09.06.mkv But v3 works as expected and believes that it might have something to do with the dates that are formatted YYYY-MM-DD so my only conclusion can be that since it can't find MM/DD/YYYY in that output it doesn't match anything. Here are Paul's debug logs from all three scrapers (TMDB included).


kodi.tvdb-new.log kodi.tvdb-v4.log

antheaezzell commented 1 year ago

osTicket -

antheaezzell commented 1 year ago

This has been internally ticketed for review -

antheaezzell commented 1 year ago

Asked user to test in osTicket -