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TheTVDB Official Kodi TV plugin
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Backport to Kodi v18 "Leia" #20

Open jljouannic opened 1 year ago

jljouannic commented 1 year ago


First, thank you for this great Kodi add-on. Second, the main object of this issue: Kodi v18 "Leia" is still wildly used, particularly by owners, like myself, of a Raspberry Pi 3 who use LibreElec. So I decided to backport the new TheTVDB add-on v4 to make it work with Kodi v18.

To do so I forked this repo, downgraded the required xbmc.version in addon.xml and dug into the Python code to make it Python 2 compliant.

Would you be interested by a pull-request with this branch? Of course this means a leia branch and specific tags would have to be maintained in this repo (e.g. 1.1.1+leia for a new "Leia" release).

What do you think?

romanvm commented 1 year ago

Backports are not accepted to the official Kodi repo. And as a Python dev I'd say that Python 2 must die already.