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TVDB v4 scraper pulls foreign poster art or not at all #24

Open bcline1113 opened 1 year ago

bcline1113 commented 1 year ago

Running Kodi 19 on the nvidia shield pro 2019, and the TVDB v4 scraper pulls foreign poster art or not at all . Tried reinstalling with no success. Please advise

KarellenX commented 1 year ago

Not enough information. Provide a debuglog and the link to the show.

bcline1113 commented 1 year ago

What do you suggest if I find the debug log doesn’t show any errors, the episodes & shows match fine, yet if it is just poster art that is being incorrectly downloaded, or not being downloaded at all? The attached pic is from Home Improvement. I saw that this occurred on a few others too 69248988-E178-4421-9812-5992AA1AB834

KarellenX commented 1 year ago

What do you suggest

I suggest you provide what was asked. I asked you for a debuglog, not if there are any errors in it. I asked for the link to the tv show, not a screenshot.

bcline1113 commented 1 year ago

Just an update. Kodi is still using the TVDB v4 scraper to scan the shows in one of my other shares in. I have gone through the list of shows, and for the most part, the correct poster art has been pulled in. However, there are some that haven’t. Since, as I type this, it’s still scanning, I will check when it’s done to get you a full list of tv shows that have foreign language poster art. Please be patient. I’ll try to figure out how to get he log file off the shield too. Ok?

KarellenX commented 1 year ago

Here, this might help with the log... Section 3.3 shows the address to the log on your Shield. Just make sure debug mode is enabled and you capture the scraping of at least one of the shows.

bcline1113 commented 1 year ago

I found this link where you commented on. The post date was November 2020. 2 years later, and users still have same problem . The issue is on TVDB end, not mine

bcline1113 commented 1 year ago

So I rescraped one share of TV Shows on my server using The TVDB (new), and it scraped just about all the info and poster art correctly. I will test the other share soon. Since it seems that the season poster issue is on TVDB's end, would a workaround be just to find poster art and change it manually? Out of curiousity, since I found that link dated November 2020, even though I know the devs/authors of the TVDB APIs for Kodi have other jobs, why hasnt the issue by identified and corrected on TVDBs end being that it first seems to have occurred 2 years ago?

bcline1113 commented 1 year ago

OK. So I rescraped that TV Share on my server and TVDB v4 scraped in all shows good, aside from one mis match, which I fixed. 2 others had no season posters, but I think I figured that out too. A workaround is visiting and downloading the season/specials poster art PNG files, then converting to a jpg file. I do need to get a second drive to move some other TV Shows around, but can you agree to keep this open until I get that drive and we know everything is good?

antheaezzell commented 1 year ago

@bcline1113 can I close this? It sounds like yes?

bcline1113 commented 1 year ago

Yes you can. However, I did notice something. When I went to this page,, and the link to the page itself, I noticed while accessing the site on my desktop, that a German poster art was the first one listed. So I figured maybe the TVDB v4 API with Kodi is pulling down the first poster it finds, irrelevant of what the language is set for in the settings. Could this be possible? As I said, I did a workaround by going to and getting the posters from there.

dgasaway commented 1 year ago

I am having this issue. I get German-language season posters with no option to choose English-language posters, even though I have the scraper set to English. Here is a log where I re-scraped a show. If it helps, I also made a log where I brought up the list of available posters for one season. Note, these logs are from a system running Kodi v19, only because it was easier to get logs from this system. I have the same issue on another system running the latest Kodi. I'll make the effort to get logs from the other system if it helps.

GreenImp commented 1 year ago

I'm experiencing this as well.

antheaezzell commented 1 year ago

I've ticketed this for investigation @GreenImp

You won't be able to access the link, but it is for our reference.

GreenImp commented 1 year ago

Cheers, much appreciated!

GreenImp commented 1 year ago

@antheaezzell just to let you know, I've noticed that as well as bringing in images from the wrong language, or only a single image (Even though there are many others), it also seems to be sometimes bringing in the wrong type of image.

I've got several TV shows, where the season image is using a banner image instead.

vnnegt commented 11 months ago

I am having this issue. I get German-language season posters with no option to choose English-language posters, even though I have the scraper set to English. Here is a log where I re-scraped a show. If it helps, I also made a log where I brought up the list of available posters for one season. Note, these logs are from a system running Kodi v19, only because it was easier to get logs from this system. I have the same issue on another system running the latest Kodi. I'll make the effort to get logs from the other system if it helps.

this is happening for me as well

scraper settings set to English, but i routinely get German language artwork with no option to retrieve any other artwork remotely

antheaezzell commented 11 months ago

Added to the ticket @vnnegt we have our resource out on vacation, but I'll try and have him address it when he returns.

fermaton commented 10 months ago

I've experienced this behavior too, where some season posters get the German version. Seems random

antheaezzell commented 9 months ago

I've raised the priority on this issue @fermaton. We haven't been able to get to it thus far, but hope to soon.