thetvdb /

TheTVDB Official Kodi TV plugin
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[Feature request] Support IMDB URLs in parsing NFO files #33

Open Hlsgs opened 1 year ago

Hlsgs commented 1 year ago

Your scraper only supports TVDB URLs in parsing NFO files, after which it defaults to parsing the folder name. Additional support for IMDB URLs would be welcomed, and the prirorities, when a parsing NFO is detected, should be as follows:

  1. TVDB URL, if detected(already implemented)
  2. IMDB URL, if detected and if IMDB ID matches with a show in your database
  3. folder name

Both movie and tv TMDB scrapers support this. I don't know if the old TVDB scapers also supported this, but KODI's parsing nfo wiki page suggests that they did:

TheMovieDB, TVDB and TV Maze databases include an IMDB' field that contains the IMDB ID for the title. This allows the use of the IMDB address in the Parsing NFO for Movies and TV Shows.... Using the IMDB ID relies on the IMDB ID for the title having been saved at the scraper site.

antheaezzell commented 1 year ago

I'll have our devs look at this @Hlsgs I know this ticket is old, just seeing if we already addressed the issue or not. Internal ticket for our reference: