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Kodi: Moving from (new) to V4 > Whole library gets rescanned - looses watched status / progress #41

Closed Johnyb62 closed 2 months ago

Johnyb62 commented 2 months ago

NOTE: Apologies as this is not an issue / bug - but I'm looking for guidance as cannot find it anywhere

My current setup: Kodi 19.4 (with mysql dbs) & Amazon Firestick 4k (FS) Trying to move to : Kodi 19.4 (with mysql dbs) & NEW Amazon Firestick 4k Max (FSM)

When setting the source on the FSM I cannot select scraper 'The TVDB (new)', only its replacement 'The TVDB v4' (which makes sense as its been superseded). However when I conduct a scan content for update, it completely wipes my existing TV data, rescans everything (rather than just adding the new), which is fine but I lose my previous progress / recently added shows, etc.

I'm sure this is something I'm doing wrong, but could you please advise on how I can migrate from NEW to V4 without losing all my current progress data. Thank you.

(BTW I backed up the SQL dbs before using V4 so can easily restore back to where i was previously)

Johnyb62 commented 2 months ago

Im sorry I should not have posted this here, I'l close it.

Johnyb62 commented 2 months ago

Im sorry I should not have posted this here, I'l close it. please ignore

KarellenX commented 2 months ago


Please post on the Kodi forums, ensuring you provide a debuglog that captures the scraping process.