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TheTVDB Official Kodi TV plugin
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Kodi forum feedback #9

Closed antheaezzell closed 1 year ago

antheaezzell commented 2 years ago

A Kodi forum user is saying that a number of the artwork links on the TV scraper are empty, see here:

Also that there is an error on the below line Error at line 9146...

antheaezzell commented 2 years ago

Per @romanvm the artwork issue is unknown, but the error is because the episode is missing the eng translation. There should be the same workaround for this case as for show info.

antheaezzell commented 2 years ago

Internal ticket for our reference -

antheaezzell commented 2 years ago

Kodi end user adds: Thank you for creating the GitHub ticket. I don't have access to GitHub, so I can't comment on it, but I'd appreciate it if you could help add the following additional info to the ticket.

The scraper actually throws an unhandled exception if there is no English translation for an episode. In this log ( (sorry, debug not enabled), I tried to scrape episodes of ( You can find the error at lines 1748 and 1997.

It looks like minimal information (season, episode number) are saved to the Kodi database, but since there is no English translation available for the episode, a 404 is returned and all the otherwise valid info is discarded (name, overview, id, etc etc).

I just added English episode names as a placeholder just so I could at least get some of the info (id, airdate, etc) into the database.... (visit the thread to read more...)