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API to website inconsistencies #299

Closed SirSparkles closed 1 year ago

SirSparkles commented 1 year ago

I think we are still having TVDB update problems. I have two examples I've recently run into.

1) New York Homicide, Season 2. In the API I see 1 entry (S02E01) with a TBA for the name. On TVDB website there are 3 entries (S02E01 through S02E03) and they all have episode names. It has been that way for over a week.

2) On Patrol: Live, Season 1. The listing in the API ends at S01E86. Last weekend it ended at S01E88. TVDB has the listings on the website for up to S01E92 for over a week.

antheaezzell commented 1 year ago

@SirSparkles we did work on this over the weekend. Can you please retest?

TommySnyder commented 1 year ago

I was the one that reported this problem to @SirSparkles. As of this morning I do see that both shows that I wrote about are now up-to-date on @SirSparkles's program and match the TVDB website listings. I do not know if this problem affected any other shows and so I cannot comment on whether the whole issue is totally resolved then. Perhaps @SirSparkles has more to add on the subject. Thank you.

SirSparkles commented 1 year ago

This issue looks like it's back:

I know of four TV Shows that have been updated on the TVDB Website that are not appearing in the API, just like the last time I reported it and it became TVDB Github Issue #299. The shows are: The Ashley Madison Affair (thanks to Roger D) My Adventures with Superman (thanks to Roger D) World on Fire On Patrol: Live (was fixed temporarily in Issue #299 but is bad again)

masyk commented 1 year ago

A suggestion to the TVDB team: It might be possible on your side to proactively check all TV show data once every week by comparing what the checker sees without cache and what appears inside the public API.

maxifwortman commented 1 year ago

@SirSparkles Just to be clear you are not seeing the updated info in the API? Also, which endpoints are you using and what info is missing?

TommySnyder commented 1 year ago

I am a user of SirSparkles's app and the one who reported the problems to him. I can't answer the endpoint question because I don't know what that means. He'll have to give that. I can give you what is missing though...

The Ashley Madison Affair - API shows episode names as "Episode #1.1" etc. and Overview (episode description) as "TBA". Website has full complete information.

My Adventures with Superman - API is missing name and description for S01E01, S01E02, S01E08, S01E09, and S01E10 for which the website has it complete.

World on Fire - API lists name of S02E01 as "Wrong". Website lists it correctly as simply "Episode 1".

On Patrol: Live - I was the person (I am "tvdb87k" on TVDB) that entered or did the final modification (including name and description of episode in English) for episodes 75 through 96 so I am very aware that the information was input some time ago and should have made it to the API by now. As it stands now, episodes S01E91 through S01E96 are listed in the API as "#191" through "#196" with no descriptions. The website has both the correct name and description.

We also had a report that Masterchef (US) Season 13 didn't completely list correctly in the API compared to the website. Since there were new entries tonight it might be best to wait on this for a day or two before making judgement.

maxifwortman commented 1 year ago

I am not seeing any difference in the api in any of those examples. Could you clarify the endpoints that have the wrong info?

maxifwortman commented 1 year ago

@SirSparkles @TommySnyder We just fixed an issue with the episodes endpoint that is probably related to this. Thank you for your patience and for bringing this to our attention. Feel free to test it again, you should see the correct info now.

TommySnyder commented 1 year ago

@maxifwortman - Alright! Great Job! I can't thank you enough. It was really becoming annoying. I kept entering stuff and it never came back to me via the API. Can I close the Issue or does @SirSparkles have to because he opened it? If I can, how? Still learning Github, obviously.