thetwom / toc2

Metronome app
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature request: add a sourdine for practicing #57

Open jpggithub opened 1 year ago

jpggithub commented 1 year ago

It would be nice to have a sordine for practicing.

It's a very good tool to train our internal clock as a drumer (for example).

The sordine could mute the metronome for a certain amount of time (randomly or not) at a certain (random) frequency.

For example, propose that option but the UI is not so nice and the app seems to be unmaintained since 2018.

thetwom commented 1 year ago

There are already some requests for more practicing tools, which mainly means automated changes while playing. Mainly this is speed and volume. But one could also think of changing scenes or stopping the metronome at a certain time. All this would need a completely new "screen" where the user can set this up. But this is a challenging task. How to do this to be flexible enough, but also very quick to setup, easy to use and understand, intuitive, ... .

As you are saying, there are metronome apps out there, which provide single tasks (like increasing speed, or muting). Since these are specific tasks, I guess, they are easy enough to use, but in my opinion the efforts to add practicing features would at least have to try to be powerful enough to fit a broader audience. But at the moment I am missing a good concept and also time :-).

I still will leave this open. Maybe a time comes, where I will be start working on this.