Closed BorislavZlatanov closed 9 years ago
I have been playing with Josetta (another translation extension), but with mixed success. From the description, it sounds like it can meet our needs. But, of course, description is one thing, to test and see the actual features is another.
Since at the moment I'm not able to play with that extension, I'd like to ask if anyone would like to help with testing it out. If so, get in touch with me and I will tell you what I have in mind.
We switched from GTranslate to Falang, which doesn't put any machine translation.
By default, the GTranslate extension translates absolutely everything through machine translation. A modification to the extension was made so that machine translations are now blocked. Instead, there is a list of human-translated pages to which the script compares the current url and allows translation if there is a match. The problem is that due to cache the current url grabbed is sometimes wrong.