thevladsoft / transparentfolderview

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Sorting files by date is reversed #3

Closed cipricus closed 1 year ago

cipricus commented 1 year ago

The idea is to have recent files in order of their last access. "Recent" is a relative term, not all recent files are equally recent, the purpose of accessing recent files being to list/sort them with the most recent first.

The only sorting criterion that is useful for recent files would be a chronological one, and in the present state of the widget only "Date" is of that kind.

But after accessing many files and folders these are not listed first in the widget, they are listed last!

"Date" sorting in the widget seems to correspond to what we see in Dolphin under "Modified" column: opening Dolphin, I see the same as in the widget, but then I realize that is the case only because the "Modified" column was clicked, but most recent files are listed first if I click that column again:

Is there a way to reverse the order of sorting we see for the "Date" sorting or I just have to get used to this?

(A workaround being to make the whole list visible so that last items in the list (most recent) are always seen.)

cipricus commented 1 year ago

In fact there is an option for that already: "Descending"