thewca / community-surveys
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Questions for Organizers #3

Open lgarron opened 4 years ago

lgarron commented 4 years ago

If the survey respondent has organized a competition recently, we can show them an extra page of questions. Possibilities:

Rouxles commented 4 years ago

I think a question based on scrambling of events (ie Megaminx and 5x5) might be helpful to ask as some regions may not have the best scramblers for these events - so maybe allow misscrambles for 5x5 and megaminx?

CubeShepherd commented 4 years ago

Out of curiosity, is this something that is going to be released at the beginning of 2020? Additionally, is this going to all organizers that have organized prior to this being released or will the local delegate (or the closest delegate) be in charge of sending this out to the organizers?