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General Guidelines for the 2019 Community Survey #5

Open mirandapedro opened 4 years ago

mirandapedro commented 4 years ago

Here are the guidelines that I believe should orient the design and conduction of the 2019 WCA Community Survey.

Here's a book I found that could be useful. It's called "Designing and Conducting Survey Reseach: A comprehensive search", by authors Louis M. Rea and Richard A. Parker. It thoroughly addresses the whole process of surveying, from designing questions to processing data.

Here's a website that succinctly tackles the same topic.

And here's the Google Doc where the writing and editing of the first draft of the survey will take place. Anyone with a email can edit it (contact me if you can't). Anyone with a link to the document can make comments and suggestions. Please feel welcome to suggest any new question you might find relevant, as well as any improvments to existing ones.

General Guidelines

Here are the guidelines we already have on the first draft Lucas presented:

Each survey will be tied to a WCA website account. < We can do this using custom variables with SurveyMonkey using their paid plan. This is $32 for one month (or $23 if we demonstrate non-profit status), which I (Lucas) am happy to contribute personally. < This means responses from competitors with WCA IDs can be associated with their competition results. This allows us to break down results by region, or by how recently someone competed. Results will be available to any WCA staff member who asks the WCT. < This survey is designed so that we don't collect any sensitive information. We'll probably want to run bucketed or anonymized stats based on competitor ages, but this should be restricted to a very limited number of software team members. Every answer except the first one is optional.

Right from the get-go, the goals of conducting the survey should be clear. I believe these are the main goals of this process:

With these goals in mind, a few things should be clear:

With these things in mind, we can start talking specifics.

Web-based Surveys

There are some pros and cons of conducting web-based surveys that I think we should keep in mind while conducting this process (taken directly from pages 12 and 13 of the book I linked):



I believe that if we are mindful of these characteristics when designing, conducting and interpreting the survey, we can reach a better, more useful result.

Deeper discussion

Here are the four axes of work on the logistical side of the survey that should be discussed on an issue of their own:

If we could, I think having a WRC member leading each of these topics would get things to run smoothly.


Moved to #9

c-goodyear commented 4 years ago

possible email notification of all registered speedcubers about the email

Aside from this being circular logic, this is not something that any registered speedcubers have accepted to be involved with during an account creation.

As for translations, please be aware that while it will increase the amount of people who can respond adequately, answers do not mean the same thing in different languages. The most obvious example of this would be asking someone if they are a new or an experienced competitior, such classifications can have largely different implications in two languages, so you can no longer classify the entirety of the survey results with those categories.

Laura-O commented 4 years ago

I have commented on some issues in the Google Doc, but as as general rule of thumb I would recommend you to check if all response options are actually valid answers to the questions. There are several question-answer combinations which sound a bit odd and which might make it more difficult to understand the answers.

For example, if you ask "Do you have concerns...?", all answers should start with "Yes" or "No" (or maybe also "I am not sure" or "I don't know").

mirandapedro commented 4 years ago

That's very good advice.

We'll definitly make sure to improving the wording of the questions and the responses before we send out a first draft for pretesting.