thewca / wca-workbook-assistant

Java application for processing Excel workbooks with WCA competition results for uploading them to the WCA database
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Downloading WCA database export should not block the application #53

Open jazzthief81 opened 11 years ago

jazzthief81 commented 11 years ago

While downloading the database export, the modal progress dialog prevents the user from doing anything else.

pedrosino commented 6 years ago

This. It's very annoying, specially if downloading the export takes a long time.

jfly commented 6 years ago

@pedrosino, how's your java? Are you interested in taking this on?

If this proves difficult, an easy alternative might be to give people a link that they can click on and tell them where to save the file. This would be a little lame, but should be fairly trivial to do.

pedrosino commented 6 years ago

My Java is 8 update 121 (not the latest - we use some stuff at work that doesn't work quite well with up-to-date versions).

I'm interested but I don't think I can take it on. Been a long time sime a programmed any java. Isn't it possible to make it run "normally" like the .jar already does? Or maybe on the background?

jfly commented 6 years ago

Haha, when I asked "how's your java", I didn't mean which version are you using, I meant "how comfortable are you writing Java"?

I don't actually know what exactly will be involved in implementing this. The way Java Swing works, we'll want to make sure that the download is happening on a separate thread (NOT the event dispatch thread), and some other stuff I don't remember...