thewca / wcif

The official specification of the WCA Competition Interchange Format.
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Qualification result for MBF #9

Open kr-matthews opened 1 year ago

kr-matthews commented 1 year ago

When adding a qualification for 3x3x3 Multi-Blind of qualification type 'by result', level needs to be an AttemptResult. For MBF, an attempt result specifies more than just the points, but also the cubes attempted and the time. Should there be a standard specified in for a MBF qualification level, such as using n/n in 99999 (time unknown), or just specifying the number of points instead of using an attempt result? The former would keep everything working as is, and the latter would require some adjustments but would make it easier to use (I think).

kr-matthews commented 1 year ago

Also worth noting that DNF, DNS, or 'skipped' could be used as an AttemptResult for level for any event at the moment, which probably shouldn't be allowed for qualifications.

dunkOnIT commented 1 year ago
gregorbg commented 1 year ago

In the interest of driving development of forward, I think we can proceed with the existing specification and just "happily assume" that only reasonable values are used in production. We can still keep this PR open for a clean design discussion.

I think that specifying the number of points would be a much cleaner way to go about qualifications if possible - the alternative feels like it could create the potential for edge cases?

Agreed. MBLD qualification results should be represented as "only points". This may need some extra attention in the part that automatically checks whether qualifications are fulfilled. I can advise further on Slack or over on the other PR thread if needed.

I'd argue that one might want to allow DNF as a possible qualification criterion, especially for BigBLD, but agree that DNS or skipped don't make sense as qualification criteria

No, we don't need DNF as a possible qualification criterion. We have anyResult already, and requiring some "tried but failed" as qualification requirement doesn't make a lot of sense from an organisers perspective.

gregorbg commented 1 year ago

Did we ever consult WRC and or WCAT to clarify whether requiring a specific time as MBLD qualification is even allowed? I could not find a clear description of this in the Regs, and even WCRP only broadly states "qualification limits may be applied". It might be beneficial to find a logical consensus first, i.e. determine how we handle things in the WCA in general, before we think more about a specific software implementation.