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Registration fee should be dynamically adjusted based on per event fees #1674

Open pingskills opened 7 years ago

pingskills commented 7 years ago

The database schema now supports per event fees, and as such the registration UI should dynamically update the current fee as a competitor selects, or deselects events on the registration page.

jfly commented 7 years ago

Yay javascript!

Mollerz commented 7 years ago

Is there any time frame for when we can expect to be able to allow per-event registration amounts? In the UK we would really like to start using the WCA payment system but we want to charge a base fee of £10, with £1 per event selected, which as far as I could see is not possible to do at the moment.

pingskills commented 7 years ago

Who's good with Javascript and knows how the payments work? @viroulep any interest in taking this one on?

viroulep commented 7 years ago

I won't commit into anything before mid August :p I'll try to think about it at that time, unless someone take it on before then!

Mollerz commented 7 years ago

Is anyone working on this currently? @viroulep do you have some time? :) UK is soon to start having problems with PayPal as we reach "donation" thresholds which mean our buttons won't work anymore.

viroulep commented 7 years ago

@viroulep do you have some time? :)

Absolutely not :( I couldn't do it in September, and since then I'm barely keeping up with my WRC and French association duties as I finish writing my PhD :( I should be "back" mid January, and a lot more active starting early March.