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Port /results/admin/ scripts to Rails #297

Open jfly opened 8 years ago

jfly commented 8 years ago

In preparation for porting the results admins cripts to Rails, @SAuroux just walked me through the uploading process for BASC 8. We had the opportunity to talk a bunch, and I made some notes about improvements we could make while doing the port:

Luis-J-Ianez commented 8 years ago

About your second point, remember that I completed the removeUglyAccentsAndStuff func in order for it to encompass all and any special char in the names in the database at the moment.

About persons_finish_unfinished, why are you planning to keep the 20-name batches? Can't we get rid of this and deal with all the competitors in the JSON file at one shot?

jfly commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I'm just worried about new unknown characters.

Sébastien and I both believe there's a real benefit to batches. Being able/forced to save your work midway through seems like a good idea. I worry about accidentally closing a tab midway through a large competition, for instance. That would be tragic.

SAuroux commented 7 years ago


Unfortunately, porting these scripts to Rails did not happen in the past 19 months. This is mostly ok, but for a few cases we are sometimes severely limited by the "we don't extend old PHP scripts since they will be eventually be ported to Rails".

One such case is our check_records script. Whenever we have to retroactively change the nationality of a competitor, we would incredibly benefit from the possibility to check records by country. Right now, we have to check this manually which is an error-prone and tedious task.

As a results, I would like to ask to tackle this soon, either by extending the current PHP script or by porting the corresponding script to Rails.

jfly commented 7 years ago

As a results, I would like to ask to tackle this soon, either by extending the current PHP script or by porting the corresponding script to Rails.

@Baiqiang, do you have time to hack on check_regional_record_markers.php to add a "country" dropdown?

dunkOnIT commented 2 years ago

@gregorbg does this mean the same thing as "Port WRT admin to Ruby"? (Item from the March strategy paper)

gregorbg commented 2 years ago


danieljames-dj commented 1 year ago

Many of the issues were tackled in the migration from PHP. Now, PHP is no longer a blocker for tackling remaining issues, so removing the PHP milestone from this issue.