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Validations on Persons names #550

Closed jfly closed 3 years ago

jfly commented 8 years ago

From @SAuroux:

Our general policy is, that we allow non-Roman characters in non-local names as long as they are "roman-readable". This affects lots of Polish competitors for example. However, once a person uses a local name, I feel like we should not allow non-roman characters in the non-local name.

@team: Does that make sense for you? Could we easily) implement a check to prevent that? Basically we would need (excude my crappy pseudo code):

IF '(' in name THEN name[0 : find( '(' , name)-1] must be roman

This is easy enough to do, but should wait until we've ported the admin scripts to Rails.

jfly commented 5 years ago

A couple of tricky things about this project:

  1. There are at least 2 places where we will have to validate names: the users table, and incoming results (the Persons table)
  2. I don't know where we'll get a list of "roman readable" letters.

Comment from Roman:

if we are adding cyrillic letters support, we should add all letters that has latin visual pairs. Check this: Nursana Anuаrbek (Нурсана Ануарбек) The fourth letter in her surname is cyrillic (а instead of a). According to the current implementation of the accents function, her WCA ID will be "2018ANUR01" instead of "2018ANUA01" after the comp.

SAuroux commented 3 years ago

@jonatanklosko Just found this and I'd say this can be closed for two reasons:

  1. As @jfly had already pointed out back then, it is not straight forward to get or even define a list of "roman readable" letters.
  2. We have competitor names sufficiently covered in our sanity checks these days.