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Competitor tutorial link for newcomers #5707

Open dmint789 opened 3 years ago

dmint789 commented 3 years ago

Can/should we link to this competitor tutorial when a newcomer creates a WCA account? Something among the lines of "First time competing? Check out this video to familiarize yourself with WCA competitions!"

EdHollingdale commented 3 years ago

A significant proportion of new competitors do not speak English, and/or live in regions where the runner system is not used, so this tutorial may not be appropriate. I send this tutorial out to competitors in my region when I am organising, but I don't think the WCA should be sending it to all competitors.

Plus competition practices may be very different in the Covid-safe era, so showing a tutorial like this could add to confusion for first-time competitors.

dmint789 commented 3 years ago

I agree with the Covid thing, maybe right now is not good timing, but once things get back to normal, I think it would be a lot more useful for newcomers than nothing at all. There are subtitles for a number of languages on there too.

dmint789 commented 3 years ago

Upon looking at this again, I believe that we should instead link to the competitor tutorial made by the WQAC that is on the website right now (but will likely be updated in the future)