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Redesign Regional Organization Page #9459

Open Samuel-Baird opened 1 month ago

Samuel-Baird commented 1 month ago

Currently, its not possible to see the names/country without hovering over the logos (or clicking on mobile). It also isn't necessarly helpful to throw all countries in one big table, breaking it down by continents could make it a bit easier to navitage.


I think some sort of table (or even just a markdown page like the one above) could be a nice solution. I don't have any experience with web dev so I'm unable to help, so I hope that someone with more experience is able to work on this :) thanks in advance!

danieljames-dj commented 1 month ago

Regional organizations can be considered as a user_group. When a regional organization is approved, a user_group for the same can be created. This will be my suggestion.

dunkOnIT commented 4 weeks ago

Strongly agree with Daniel's suggestion - this also sets us up nicely for supporting RO membership in the WCA website. And then in terms of displaying RO's, it's just a question of a table listing all the RO user groups.