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Add Es6 build tools for classes & modules #3

Open Nevraeka opened 9 years ago

deebloo commented 9 years ago

Yay build tools!!!

Nevraeka commented 9 years ago

I figured you have the most experience with this @DannyBlueDesign

Nevraeka commented 9 years ago

Maybe @pertrai1 might have some suggestions as well on this.

pertrai1 commented 9 years ago

@Nevraeka @DannyBlueDesign I do think that webpack brings a great deal to the table.

Nevraeka commented 9 years ago

@pertrai1 what does webpack bring that is better than 6to5 or straight up traceur? I honestly don't know for sure but webpack does look good. Anything to limit the runtime dependencies is good. Something like system.js seems to favor that approach but that sounds slower and less performant, no?

I have no experience with any of these except traceur and it's very little at that :(