thewh1teagle / vibe

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MIT License
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Bug: no segments #116

Open kwjcurrie opened 3 weeks ago

kwjcurrie commented 3 weeks ago

What happened?

A bug happened!

Steps to reproduce

  1. step one...
  2. step two...

What OS are you seeing the problem on?

No response

Relevant log output

options: {
  "path": "C:\\Users\\Keith\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\MkPwMqBYBE.wav",
  "model_path": "C:\\Users\\Keith\\AppData\\Local\\\\ggml-medium.bin",
  "lang": "en",
  "verbose": false,
  "n_threads": 4,
  "init_prompt": "",
  "temperature": 0.4,
  "translate": null,
  "max_text_ctx": null

Caused by:
    no segements found!

App Version: 2.0.3
Commit Hash: 370d1ce20e8a69668c76fe44a51f5b71237d69e8
Arch: x86_64
Platform: windows
Kernel Version: 10.0.22631
OS: windows
OS Version: 10.0.22631
Models: ggml-medium.bin
Default Model: "C:\\Users\\Keith\\AppData\\Local\\\\ggml-medium.bin"

    "avx": {
        "enabled": true,
        "support": true
    "avx2": {
        "enabled": true,
        "support": true
    "f16c": {
        "enabled": true,
        "support": true
    "fma": {
        "enabled": true,
        "support": true
thewh1teagle commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for reporting! Can you share the audio file which that error was shown with? You can upload it to Google Drive and paste the link here

ts-davenport commented 2 weeks ago

This same issue happened to me with the default "samples_single.wav."

options: {
  "path": "C:\\Users\\Redacted with Space\\Downloads\\samples_single.wav",
  "model_path": "C:\\Users\\Redacted with Space\\AppData\\Local\\\\ggml-medium.bin",
  "lang": "en",
  "verbose": false,
  "n_threads": 4,
  "init_prompt": "",
  "temperature": 0.4,
  "translate": null,
  "max_text_ctx": null

Caused by:
    no segements found!

App Version: 2.0.3
Commit Hash: 370d1ce20e8a69668c76fe44a51f5b71237d69e8
Arch: x86_64
Platform: windows
Kernel Version: 10.0.22631
OS: windows
OS Version: 10.0.22631
Models: ggml-medium.bin
Default Model: "C:\\Users\\Redacted with Space\\AppData\\Local\\\\ggml-medium.bin"

    "avx": {
        "enabled": true,
        "support": true
    "avx2": {
        "enabled": true,
        "support": true
    "f16c": {
        "enabled": true,
        "support": true
    "fma": {
        "enabled": true,
        "support": true
thewh1teagle commented 2 weeks ago

This same issue happened to me with the default "samples_single.wav."

Caused by: no segements found!

No segments found meaning that the file has no audio data. can you double check that the file is valid? just open it and see if you hear something normal.

ts-davenport commented 2 weeks ago

yup! It opens and plays just fine in VLC.

thewh1teagle commented 2 weeks ago

That's weird. Try to convert it just like vibe does from cmd.exe:

%localappdata%\vibe\ffmpeg -i "%userprofile%\Downloads\samples_single.wav" -ar 
16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le "%userprofile%\Downloads\samples_converted.wav" -y -loglevel error 

You can also start vibe in debug mode and check the converted file from the logs:

From cmd.exe

set RUST_LOG=debug
ts-davenport commented 1 week ago

Hi! I got the following error trying to run the first conversion:

failed to open va.dll
failed to open va.dll
failed to open va.dll
[aost#0:0 @ 00000185723618C0] Unknown encoder 'pcm_s161e'
[aost#0:0 @ 00000185723618C0] Error selecting an encoder
Error opening output file C:\Users\Redacted with Space\Downloads\samples_single_converted.wav.
Error opening output files: Encoder not found