thewickedkarma / blackeye-im

This project is now discontinued. Kindly use other working alternatives.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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blackeye broken #102

Open stjohnboy opened 3 months ago

stjohnboy commented 3 months ago

Hi when ever I run blackeye instagram it says this:1.Ngrok 2.Localtunnel

┌─[ Choose the tunneling method:]─[~] └──╼ ~ 1 [] Downloading Ngrok... [] Starting php server... line 418: cd: sites/instagram: No such file or directory [] Starting ngrok server... [] Send this link to the Victim: line 428: xsel: command not found line 428: xsel: command not found [*] Use shortened link instead:

[*] Waiting victim open the link ...

Can anyone help me in this?