thewierdnut / endless-mobile

Space exploration, trading, and combat game.
GNU General Public License v3.0
92 stars 6 forks source link

Incorrect Version Shown in MenuPanel #113

Closed MonkeyMatrix closed 6 months ago

MonkeyMatrix commented 6 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Describe the bug

At the bottom right of the MenuPanel, the version given does not line up with the actual version shown in the credits.

Steps to Reproduce

Open Endless Sky Mobile Look at the bottom right of the screen. The text should currently be "v0.9.14-21-38"

Expected Behavior

The text should currently be "v0.10.3-38"



Link to save file


Device type

Lenovo Tab M10 Plus 3rd Gen, Pixel 4a

Game Version

F-Droid 0.10.3-38

Additional Information

Git describe: android/app/jni/src/CMakeLists.txt

It seems the newer releases are not tagged the same as older releases. I forked and "released" with a tag (v0.10.3-38), which gave the correct output of "v0.10.3-38." It seems the latest matching tag is v0.9.14-21, and -38 (the mobile version) is appended. It looks like you want to separate the version of endless sky from the version of the mobile port, which I did not do in the forked "release" to my knowledge.

Latest --match release: thewierdnut/endless-mobile v0.9.14-21

The fork: MonkeyMatrix/endless-mobile

thewierdnut commented 6 months ago

Is this a build you made? That version string is cached in CMakeCache.txt, so you need you remove and re-run cmake

MonkeyMatrix commented 6 months ago

I got the build from F-Droid. Should I try the debug?

thewierdnut commented 6 months ago

The version is constructed using two git --describe commands. If you are going to tag your own builds using your own rules, then you probably need to modify the code here:

MonkeyMatrix commented 6 months ago

I just made that one to test git describe since I am new to git and github, and I was unsure from where it was pulling the version numbers. I am sure I used something different than what you use in this repository, but I still remember seeing an incorrect version at the bottom right of the latest F-Droid version in the main menu. Does your installation show 0.10.3-38 (or higher depending on what you are doing)? Is there anything else you want me to try?

thewierdnut commented 6 months ago

I just confirmed that the f-droid release generated the wrong version string. I'll have to figure out what happened there.

EDIT: Actually, I'm pretty sure I know what happened. f-droid is pulling my android branch, but I haven't been pushing the master tags to the endless-mobile repo, because my local repo already has them. This means that f-droid is only aware of the upstream tags to the point where I initially created the fork. I'll have to generate that version string some other way.