thewirelessguy / cornerstone

Cornerstone is a WordPress starter theme based on the Zurb Foundation Responsive Framework. Cornerstone aims to provide a lightweight starter theme that is responsive and SEO friendly that web designers can build great looking websites on.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Removal of Orbit CPT #12

Closed klongdesigns closed 11 years ago

klongdesigns commented 11 years ago

First, great theme! Awesome job. I'm wondering if it's possible to remove the Orbit Custom Post Type from a child theme? I tried using remove_action('init', 'Orbit'); but that doesn't remove the custom post type. I can manually remove it from the parent theme, but I'm trying not to touch that parent theme so we can update it without overwriting changes. No matter what I try, I can't get rid of the Orbit Custom Post Type.

Thanks for your help!

alana-mullen commented 11 years ago

Add the following to the functions.php in your child theme:

add_action( 'after_setup_theme','remove_cornerstone_features', 100 ); function remove_cornerstone_features() { remove_action( 'init', 'Orbit'); }

klongdesigns commented 11 years ago

Ack! I knew it was something simple. One other question (if you will indulge me). I'm trying to unset some of the menus that you have (Footer Menu) and am using the unregister_nav_menu. What action do I need to hook into in order to remove the menu you initialize in the theme?

Thanks again for your help!

alana-mullen commented 11 years ago

This guide may help you in removing features from the parent theme

klongdesigns commented 11 years ago

Awesome, Thanks!