thewongdylan / pe

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Phone number accepts inputs longer than 8 digits #1

Open thewongdylan opened 2 months ago

thewongdylan commented 2 months ago

Description Phone number accepts inputs longer than 8 digits for both the add and edit commands, despite the UG stating that phone numbers should only be between 3 to 8 digits. This also conflicts the app itself, where it only states that phone numbers must be longer than 3 digits, but does not state that they must be shorter than 9 digits. Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 4.47.10 PM.png

Steps to reproduce

  1. Launch the application for the first time to load sample data
  2. Run edit 1 p/123456789

Expected behaviour The app should reject the input as the input phone number is longer than 8 digits

Actual behaviour The app allows the 9 digit phone number to be saved Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 4.53.44 PM.png

Reason for severity Minor issue and does not affect usage, but may allow for accidental adding of incorrect phone numbers due to accidental addition of a digit.

nus-pe-script commented 2 months ago

Team's Response

Based on module expectations, phone numbers should give flexibility to users without restricting the length. And it seems like our application follows this. However, the restriction should not have been mentioned in the user guide, so we think it is documentation bug.

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue type

Team chose [type.DocumentationBug] Originally [type.FunctionalityBug]

Reason for disagreement: [replace this with your explanation]