thexaero / open-parties-and-claims

Minecraft mod that adds chunk claims and player parties
34 stars 15 forks source link

Feature request ability to create claims from server console #353

Open bjcosta opened 9 months ago

bjcosta commented 9 months ago

I use a script to setup new fabric servers, and want to automate creating some claims as part of that initial setup process. For my use case it would be great to allow a server op to create claims from the server terminal instead of having to be logged in as a player in order to execute the commands.

I tried from the server console:

/openpac-claims server-claim-mode
/openpac-claims claim 0 0

but was being returned error below for both commands: A player is required to run this command here

My ideal request for this would look instead like: /openpac-claims claim <claimer> <from-x> <from-z> [to-x] [to-z] [dimension]

Where the claimer could be (I didnt look at all these in detail but I believe these are the categories you have currently):

An example for my use case would be: /openpac-claims claim server -32 -32 32 32

I found claiming a single chunk that contains the given block a bit awkward to use as I usually want to claim a area. I think it makes sense to have the tool claim all chunks that contain that area. Right now I have a for loop in my setup script to execute a claim request for each chunk in a given range.

thexaero commented 9 months ago

I'll see what I can do.

bjcosta commented 9 months ago

Thanks :-) Love your mods by the way

I made an edit to also add the ability to specify the dimension on the command as well as I just realized I need to setup special claims in overworld + nether + end

thexaero commented 9 months ago


kentbakk commented 4 months ago

Is there any update on this @thexaero?

Running into the same need of claiming chunks from the server console, even just the existing commands having a player option added to them and allowed from the console would be a great start if the entire request from above is to much for a quick addition.