thexaero / open-parties-and-claims

Minecraft mod that adds chunk claims and player parties
34 stars 15 forks source link

Adding Block Exceptions doesn't work? #376

Closed Nohkarthus closed 8 months ago

Nohkarthus commented 8 months ago

I tried adding Block Exceptions so everybody can interact with them in claims but it just doesn't work, or maybe I did it wrong? I don't think I did it wrong though. Here's where I added it and the code: Line 124: forcedBlockProtectionExceptionList = ["minecraft:crafting_table", "yigd:grave", "fwaystones:waystone", "fwaystones:desert_waystone", "fwaystones:red_desert_waystone", "fwaystones:stone_brick_waystone", "fwaystones:nether_brick_waystone", "fwaystones:red_nether_brick_waystone", "fwaystones:end_stone_brick_waystone", "fwaystones:deepslate_brick_waystone", "fwaystone:blackstone_brick_waystone", "cobblemon:pc", "cobblemon:healing_machine"]

Nohkarthus commented 8 months ago

And to add to it, these changes makes the server unjoinable so I had to reset the config files

thexaero commented 8 months ago

You definitely made a mistake in the config file format but probably not this line.