thexaero / open-parties-and-claims

Minecraft mod that adds chunk claims and player parties
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Prevent Lava and Water Bucket use #405

Closed AnyankaT closed 6 months ago

AnyankaT commented 6 months ago

I'm trying to prevent players on my server from using water and lava buckets in the spawn area, and I've added them to the exception list: image But it doesn't seem to make a difference. Am I missing something? openpartiesandclaims-server.txt

Edited to add: the slingshot is still usable also (same line)

thexaero commented 6 months ago

Bucket use isn't allowed by default. Is the spawn area claimed? Is item use protected in those claims?

thexaero commented 6 months ago

By the way, I'm not sure if you want all those options in opConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions. That makes it so you have to edit configs for each player separately, rather than just editing the default player config and it applying to everyone. That option should really just contain the bonus claims/forceloads in most cases.

AnyankaT commented 6 months ago

I want people to be able to use many items, as it's the capital city of the world. I have edited to include/exclude most of the items I want to, but the bucket is eluding me.

And we've deliberately turned off most player claim abilities - I want to edit the configs for certain players separately. We're also using MineColonies, and this offers many protections already for players in their colonies.

thexaero commented 6 months ago

Did you turn off the item protection option for those claims? If item protection is turned off, then nothing you do with exceptions will have any effect. Buckets are protected by default, you don't need to do anything to prevent players from using them, so I have feeling you turned it off.

AnyankaT commented 6 months ago

So instead I need to turn item protection on and use exceptions for the items I want people to be able to use?

thexaero commented 6 months ago
