thexaero / open-parties-and-claims

Minecraft mod that adds chunk claims and player parties
34 stars 15 forks source link

Does not work correctly with ftb ranks #409

Closed Mapter228 closed 6 months ago

Mapter228 commented 6 months ago

No matter how many claims I make, there is still a 500 limit on everyone. The rest of the ftb ranks features work.

Maybe I misspelled something?

{ member: { name: "member" power: 1 condition: "always_active" ftbchunks.max_claimed: 1 ftbchunks.max_force_loaded: 0 } skuf: { name: "skuf" power: 2 ftbranks.name_format: "<&bSkuf {name}&r>" ftbchunks.max_claimed: 36 ftbchunks.max_force_loaded: 5 } skufidon: { name: "skufidon" power: 3 ftbchunks.max_claimed: 100 ftbchunks.max_force_loaded: 10 } admin: { name: "admin" power: 1000 ftbchunks.max_claimed: 10000 ftbchunks.max_force_loaded: 1000 } }


The default language used for server-side localization for players that don't have the mod installed.

defaultLanguage = "en_us"
#How often to auto-save modified data, e.g. parties, claims, player configs (in minutes).
#Range: > 1
autosaveInterval = 10
#How many sub-configs (sub-claims) can each player create.
#Range: 0 ~ 1024
playerSubConfigLimit = 64
#The permission system to use for everything that requires permission checks (e.g. permission_api, ftb_ranks, luck_perms, prometheus). Non-built-in permission systems can be registered through the API with an addon.
permissionSystem = "ftb_ranks"
#The player party system to prefer and use for anything that can't support multiple systems (e.g. default, ftb_teams, argonauts, argonauts_guilds). Non-built-in party systems can be registered through the API with an addon.
primaryPartySystem = "argonauts_guilds"
#A list of options in the player config that individual players can reconfigure. If an option is in neither of the configurable option lists,
#then the value in the default player config is used across the server. Check the default player config .toml file for the option names.
playerConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions = ["claims.protectClaimedChunks", "claims.forceload.enabled", "", "claims.color", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "parties.shareLocationWithParty", "parties.shareLocationWithMutualAllyParties", "parties.receiveLocationsFromParty", "parties.receiveLocationsFromMutualAllyParties", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "/*remove comment to enable*/"]
#A list of additional options in the player config that OPs can reconfigure for players.
#This is meant for options that should be configured per player but not by the players.
#If an option is in neither of the configurable option lists, then the value in the default player config is used across the server.
#Check the default player config .toml file for the option names.
opConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions = ["claims.bonusChunkClaims", "claims.bonusChunkForceloads"]`
thexaero commented 6 months ago

Did you configure OPAC to use the permissions nodes you defined, e.g. ftbchunks.max_claimed? Those are made for FTB Chunks by default.

Mapter228 commented 6 months ago

Did you configure OPAC to use the permissions nodes you defined, e.g. ftbchunks.max_claimed? Those are made for FTB Chunks by default.

I changed it, it works, thank you.