thexaero / open-parties-and-claims

Minecraft mod that adds chunk claims and player parties
33 stars 14 forks source link

Banning Chunk Claims around other players #497

Open Dr-WeiAL opened 2 days ago

Dr-WeiAL commented 2 days ago

That is, if someone is in a certain Chunk Claim, no one else can be in the 1-2 Chunk Claim next to it

Then add another configuration, which is the maximum number of Claims a team can have, which prevents a situation where you don't add a team and everyone has a lot of Claims and then shares them with each other Or, depending on the size of the team to determine the maximum Claims for this team

I'm using machine translation, but I don't know how to say it, it may look weird, forgive me

thexaero commented 2 days ago

I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean not being able to claim right next to other claims, leaving a 1 chunk gap? That could be useful.

Each team member has their own claims, so the number of claims a team has already depends on the team size.

Dr-WeiAL commented 2 days ago

My idea is to keep the Claims of different teams at a distance, this is so that the ones that want to play together are on the same team, rather than choosing to share permissions with each other, which would make a colorful chunk in a certain area.

Then the team max Claims means that if the number of people reaches a certain milestone, it will increase the chunks that the team can Claims, only the captain or the person who has the permission can claimed the chunks and modify the permissions, so that the color of a team is unified down, instead of the original kind of colorful chunks piled up.

thexaero commented 2 days ago

I see. The team idea is already planned as an option.