theyosh / TerrariumPI

Home automated terrarium/aquarium or other enclosed environment with a Raspberry Pi
GNU General Public License v3.0
401 stars 97 forks source link

Pictures of running TerrariumPI system #210

Open theyosh opened 5 years ago

theyosh commented 5 years ago


I would like to know how people are using this software. As I have developed a lot of user features, which is cool, I could imagine that there should be at least a dozen TerrariumPIs running. So I was wondering if you can send me photo's of the environment that is powered by this software.

You can upload images to this issue. Just to see how you all using it! Maybe we can even share handy tips...

jornobe commented 5 years ago

This is my 2m40x1m50x65 Chinese Waterdragon enclosure. Just recently added the TerrariumPi to get better control on the environment. Have been using a mix of wifi sockets, timers and thermostats but it was all too static.

What I currently have attached to TerrariumPi:

Upcoming additions:



kaju666 commented 5 years ago

What I currently have attached to TerrariumPi:

Upcoming works:

Terrarium View: 46495140_730314480696094_3277006918102548480_n Control box 46489525_1941968352546026_6514883780740644864_n

My new family member :P 46521033_915757315284824_4724618700257230848_n

And picture form mounted camera 799bd9d9c5fbfb43fbe82ec550b4b943_raw

Natrixz commented 5 years ago

Some older pictures of one of my enclosures, this one is for a Brazilian Rainbow Boa. Plants etc have changed quite a bit but other than that;

Pi running; 3x TaaraLabs Humidity and Temp sensor through OneWire 2x DS18B20 for extra temperature and water temperature for my Mistking system 1x Energenie EG-PMS2 2x Jungle Dawn LED Lights 1x Arcadia T5 UVB 1x Arcadia Deep Heat Projector 1x Mistking System 1x HC-SR04

45099194_729406424095561_1184993588774174720_n 1 45163762_1425600067576627_6237242191190687744_n whatsapp image 2018-05-22 at 14 11 27

My second enclosure runs pretty much the same system, 3rd system is currently being build up. Both second and third system are for Emerald Tree Boa's. Might figure out a way to heat the water with some heat cable's so I can spray with warmer water.

@jornobe curious to your solution to do that =)

jornobe commented 5 years ago

@Natrixz instead of heat cables you could add a 25W aquarium heater (with thermostat) inside the water supply (I use a 40L jerrycan) and attach it to a sensor to cut off power when the water level goes below a certain point. Could connect the pump of the rain system to the same sensor to disable the system completely if needed.

Natrixz commented 5 years ago

Awesome idea! That’s gonna be my next project times 2 haha :) Thanks @jornobe :)

theyosh commented 5 years ago

Live version


It houses a Madagascar (giant) daygecko

20170706_112733 20180710_133852 20180604_174542

ghost commented 5 years ago

This is my 18x18x24 TerrariumPi environment for my Crested Gecko Taz!

• Mistking system controlled by timer • HC-SR04 distance sensor for the mist king water tank. • a DHT11 sensor (until I get something better) • two DS18b20 temperature sensors • a Miflora bluetooth sensor • 2 Phillips Hue LED bulbs programmed for sunrise and sunset with 30 min fade in/out. Lights also transition to 5000k (blue-white) between 11 am - 3 pm. • a heat mat controlled by Wemo switch • a usb connected PS3 Eye camera with the infrared filter removed • a Wii sensor bar repurposed as an infrared light source • reed switch sensor on the door 1 - 2lydclt 2 - r8gko4p 3 - natpr3s 4 - 7f8p4xj 5 - nexqtk9 6 - dengyvw 7 - 0uyefbl 8 - hskyore

AndrejWeber commented 5 years ago

So, after winter rest, my Gecko World is already allive! OSB Terrarium 150x60x60 cm³ elctronics cabinet above about 20cm hight.

Pets: 5 Leopardgeckos, 1x male, 4x female

1111 RasPi 3B+ with Joy-It EXPLORE 500 extension 1.3" OLED-Display I2C OSRAM qti 1x54W dim Breadboard for connections and dimming power strip with relais (modified from USB to GPIO-switching) 3x DHT22 (warm side, coldside, electronics)

1112 254 2 Rear wall and caves made of styrodur and tile glue Big wet-box (Tupperware covered by styrodur cave) Day-light T5 54W Lamp with UV 75W halogen spot PWM-controlled Fan (right upper side) for cooling and drying.

theyosh commented 5 years ago

@AndrejWeber "Gecko World" Brilliant and very good looking in the back wall!!! I have also support for a 'traffic' light indicator of the status of the system: / That way you could have some operating status in next to the LCD screen

AndrejWeber commented 5 years ago

@theyosh thank you, I have thought a lot about ways, the geckos can climb at the wall, not to big distance between platforms... at the end, the tile glue has so much grip, the geckos can climb where they want. one of them like to sleep on the warm halogen spot, after shutting off. the traffic light I also saw in the documentation. that will come together with support for push-buttons - you only have to implement ;-) I have a complete button and LED component from PC-Tower. Power and Reset button, power and HDD-LED. I will not use a green indikator, for all right, only red and yellow for something wrong.

toads100 commented 5 years ago

Still a work in progress

Running AM2302 for temp and Humidity For top reading 1wire Temp for middle on enclosure reading HC-SR04 for Water level Working on misting system now. img-0272 img-0268 img-0207

stuartabrown commented 5 years ago

@toads100 very cool! Where did you get your RPi case from?

toads100 commented 5 years ago

I 3D printed it, here is the link to that print I changed it a little to fit my power supply. I wanted a power supply that had 12 volt and 5 volt out to run my cooling fan and Pi. I found at after the fact I could'nt run my rain system on the same power supply.

Raerion commented 5 years ago

Hey, I'm a Chinese stripe-necked turtle (Mauremys sinensis; 1 year 10 months) and I'm living in a turtle tank automated with TerrariumPi! hey

I'm sharing the water level with some fishes (Poecilia reticulata and Poecilia sphenops) that may end up as food and snails (family Neritidae). ;)


Current to-do's:

Pictures of the current setup: terrariumpi_setup


Some more pictures: schiggy


djarrard-zz commented 5 years ago

First of all, thank you @theyosh for putting this beautiful piece of software together. I've had so much fun working with it.

After seeing all of your beautiful setups, I feel kinda silly posting mine. It's not quite finished yet, as I don't have my ball python yet. I grew up with one and always struggled to keep the environment within the correct parameters, so I decided that this time I wanted to over-engineer it. This will be the forever-enclosure for my soon-to-be specialty morph ball python. It still needs a bit of work. I need to decorate the interior, and I need to cleanup the massive wiry mess that's in my server box. I should add that almost everything here was custom built by me. The entire enclosure, the sliding glass doors, even the humidifier is a hack. As you can tell, I'm not master of fine furniture or beautiful circuits, but I think it'll get the job done with some extra detail work. I should also mention that this is my very first Raspberry Pi project. It's amazing how something that starts as a means to an end can quickly become an obsession!



The first picture shows the layout of my enclosure. It's pretty bland at the moment, but the pieces are there. I'd like to add some door sensor for the sliding glass doors. I ordered a custom-size radiating heat pad from Pro Products...will install it as soon as it arrives., Lighting, humidity, and sensors are all regulated using Terrarium Pi. I'm planning to regulate the heat using a Herpstat proportional thermostat, just to be safe. If my humidifier malfunctions, the worst thing that could possibly happen is that the enclosure turns into a foggy abyss for a while. If the heater malfunctions, I could bake the little guy...and that would just suck.


The second image shows a button layout that I put together. These buttons came with the raspberry pi kit i ordered. Nothing special, but very clicky! These little guys are hooked up to always-listening python scripts that interface with the Terrarium Pi API to turn on manual-mode and toggle the various switches. I could have just wired the scripts directly to the GPIO ports, but I decided the API was a better approach for two reasons

1) I don't want to cause interference by having two entities try to control the same GPIO pin. 2) I want whatever I'm doing to be federated under Terrarium Pi for easier management.

The humidifier switch is a bit special because it cycles the humidifier for 2 minutes and then turns it back off. I have an indicator light at the top there that turns solid red if manual mode is enabled on any of the switches (which happens if I hit any of the first three buttons). If I hit the 4th button, it sends a message to the API and manual mode is turned off on all switches. That way I can mess with the environment when in the room and hit the last button on the way out to put everything back on schedule. The indicator light does one special thing too. If at any time the Terrarium Pi Web Server can't respond within 2 seconds to a request, it starts blinking. That way I know at a glance if something is up.


The third shows my "server box". Yeah, it's a bit of a nightmare at the moment. I bought this tray on sale for $7, spray-painted it white, and started mounting the equipment in there. It's very messy, I know. At some point I need to upgrade the wiring to dupont wires and make it look a bit more organized. I'm going to build a white hinge lid for this thing that covers the server box to make it look cleaner.


The fourth shows my humidifier hack. A lot of reptile foggers and misters have very....mixed reviews. They fail, start making noise, or start leaking. Household humidifiers, however, tend to last forever. I bought this guy for $30, and with about $15 in parts from the hardware store, I was able to connect a hose that diffuses the fog in two directions in the enclosure. Hoses can get moldy, so I also designed it so that the hoses are easily removed for deep cleaning without having to disassemble any of the connectors.

Maybe I'll post back again in 6 months once everything is finalized. If you guys have any suggestions, I'm all ears. There's still time to change things.

funware84 commented 4 years ago

20190709_203530 20190709_203538 20190709_203550 20190709_203613 20190709_203717-01 My pond i am monitoring and control. Difference Sensor show diff between water overflow and bottom. If it raises to much it will start a 2nd pump. In future it will control solar heating as well. I can toogle filtration pump which zurkulate 20.000l/h With mi flora i check conductivity. It seems as it can measure the height of waterlevel in this case. I wil evaluate this next days

romandiaz commented 4 years ago

Many MANY thanks to @theyosh for creating this software and documentation and supporting it so well. Just amazing.

2019-08-03-20 45 31 I built a 2-in-1 enclosure. The cage measures 48"x16"x21" with a divider and removable passage in the middle to connect the sides. Each side has a temperature sensor and radiant heater, and there's a series of LED light fixtures which provides light to both sides from one switch. The Pi and all the electronics are built into a cubby in the left side enclosure (accessible from the back). This setup leaves one open switch on the relay - thinking of adding intake fans or something like that in the future.

2019-08-06-12 17 16 Here's it is in place. All plants are plastic - easier to clean and keep green. Plus, the snakes don't care. I wired a red LED as an indicator for when the heating element is on; for monitoring at a glance. So far it has been up and running for over a week, keeping things nice and stable. Here the left is off and the right is on - but during normal operation they get switched on/off at the same time. I wish that I could operate the "Environment" in both cages independently (for example: keep one at 80F degrees and the other one at 85F degrees) - is this possible with a single Pi?

2019-08-06-12 18 55 Just another shot - this one showing the removable passage in the cage divider.

2019-08-06-15 39 02 Happy snake.

Temperature failsafe hack - All of the power for the cage comes through a single PC power cord. I plug this cord as if it were a "heat source", into an off-the-shelf thermostat (from the old setup) set to 100F and put the probe in one of the cages. If temps go over 100 degrees - indicating something has gone wrong, since my max temp is 88F - this thermostat assumes it has reached the desired temp and turns the "heat source" power off, shutting off the power to the cage and stopping the danger. A little hacky but it works.

bpengu1n commented 4 years ago

First of all, thank you @theyosh for putting this beautiful piece of software together. I've had so much fun working with it.

After seeing all of your beautiful setups, I feel kinda silly posting mine. It's not quite finished yet, as I don't have my ball python yet. I grew up with one and always struggled to keep the environment within the correct parameters, so I decided that this time I wanted to over-engineer it. This will be the forever-enclosure for my soon-to-be specialty morph ball python. It still needs a bit of work. I need to decorate the interior, and I need to cleanup the massive wiry mess that's in my server box. I should add that almost everything here was custom built by me. The entire enclosure, the sliding glass doors, even the humidifier is a hack. As you can tell, I'm not master of fine furniture or beautiful circuits, but I think it'll get the job done with some extra detail work. I should also mention that this is my very first Raspberry Pi project. It's amazing how something that starts as a means to an end can quickly become an obsession!


  • 4ft by 2ft custom enclosure built with melamine
  • 12 watt LED strip Light for main lighting
  • Hacked humidifier for humidity control
  • Night light with a low wattage red LED (coming soon)
  • Pro Products Radiating Heat Pad (coming soon)
  • Herpstat Proportional Thermostat (coming soon)
  • Sliding plexiglass doors on aluminum rails
  • Raspberry Pi 3B +
  • JBtek 4 channel relay
  • 2 DHT22 sensors for measure humidity inside and outside of enclosure
  • 4 DS18b20 sensors for measuring temperature inside and outside of enclosure
  • 4 buttons for enclosure controls
  • 1 led indicator for status


The first picture shows the layout of my enclosure. It's pretty bland at the moment, but the pieces are there. I'd like to add some door sensor for the sliding glass doors. I ordered a custom-size radiating heat pad from Pro Products...will install it as soon as it arrives., Lighting, humidity, and sensors are all regulated using Terrarium Pi. I'm planning to regulate the heat using a Herpstat proportional thermostat, just to be safe. If my humidifier malfunctions, the worst thing that could possibly happen is that the enclosure turns into a foggy abyss for a while. If the heater malfunctions, I could bake the little guy...and that would just suck.


The second image shows a button layout that I put together. These buttons came with the raspberry pi kit i ordered. Nothing special, but very clicky! These little guys are hooked up to always-listening python scripts that interface with the Terrarium Pi API to turn on manual-mode and toggle the various switches. I could have just wired the scripts directly to the GPIO ports, but I decided the API was a better approach for two reasons

  1. I don't want to cause interference by having two entities try to control the same GPIO pin.
  2. I want whatever I'm doing to be federated under Terrarium Pi for easier management.

The humidifier switch is a bit special because it cycles the humidifier for 2 minutes and then turns it back off. I have an indicator light at the top there that turns solid red if manual mode is enabled on any of the switches (which happens if I hit any of the first three buttons). If I hit the 4th button, it sends a message to the API and manual mode is turned off on all switches. That way I can mess with the environment when in the room and hit the last button on the way out to put everything back on schedule. The indicator light does one special thing too. If at any time the Terrarium Pi Web Server can't respond within 2 seconds to a request, it starts blinking. That way I know at a glance if something is up.


The third shows my "server box". Yeah, it's a bit of a nightmare at the moment. I bought this tray on sale for $7, spray-painted it white, and started mounting the equipment in there. It's very messy, I know. At some point I need to upgrade the wiring to dupont wires and make it look a bit more organized. I'm going to build a white hinge lid for this thing that covers the server box to make it look cleaner.


The fourth shows my humidifier hack. A lot of reptile foggers and misters have very....mixed reviews. They fail, start making noise, or start leaking. Household humidifiers, however, tend to last forever. I bought this guy for $30, and with about $15 in parts from the hardware store, I was able to connect a hose that diffuses the fog in two directions in the enclosure. Hoses can get moldy, so I also designed it so that the hoses are easily removed for deep cleaning without having to disassemble any of the connectors.

Maybe I'll post back again in 6 months once everything is finalized. If you guys have any suggestions, I'm all ears. There's still time to change things.

How well is your system running? It looks amazing!!

fitzgepn commented 4 years ago

I am working on a system to control the vivarium for my family's bearded dragon. I designed this 3d printed case to house a Raspberry Pi Zero W, 5v power supply, solid state relay board, and 5 inch touch screen. IMAG1940 I have also been working on a custom Python UI using Kivy, as the web UI doesn't work so well on the 5 inch screen and the Pi Zero. When it reaches usable state, I'll submit it for your consideration. IMAG1963 The temperature sensors are two DHT22 boards, but I'm planning to upgrade to BMP280 as the one wire protocol is a bit flaky over the 2m wire to the cool side of the enclosure. I also have a VEML6075 UV sensor to monitor the output of the lights. IMAG1954 I would like to suggest adding PID thermal control for the heaters, and may eventually get around to implementing it if you don't do it first. Ideally, I would like to be able to have setpoints for day and night, and have TerrariumPI turn the heaters on and off on a duty cycle to keep the temperature. In any case, you have made an excellent project as it is. I have not had any problems running it on the Raspberry Pi Zero, and it seems very stable.

gale-force commented 4 years ago

I'm playing around with this for some simple monitoring (and alerting) of my Leopard Gecko viv, two DHT22's so far, adding a third and also a RPiCam for streaming, it's a great project, thanks for the work you have put into this. 🦎

Haidy777 commented 4 years ago

In the last few months, I've been working on a Terrarium with my Father. It is a great experience to learn how to work with wood from a professional (my dad). Today we transported the Terrarium to my Apartment. The base is mainly done and it is now my turn to get it set up with TerrariumPI and interior.

Currently, there is only one lamp and three temperature sensors mounted but I already ordered some more sensors. The windows look blue because the protection is still on the acrylic glass for now.

Hopefully the leopard gecko I plan to house inside will enjoy it.

Dimensions: 120 cm wide, 60cm deep and 70cm heigh.

20200125_180949 20200125_181027 20200125_181038 20200125_180632 20200125_180624 Current cable mess on top. We built it so I could also open the top side if I would need access.

theyosh commented 4 years ago

Nice, I have a brother with that skill! That is always handy :) Great looking!!

xagesz commented 4 years ago


I decided I wanted to learn pcb design and an adapter board for a rpi would be a good start. I set it up to run triple dht22’s. Ultrasonic sensor, veml6075, and a relay board. I will use a female 20pin to set this directly on the board and run 3ft extensions off of these. Also a 6pin hub for my 4ch relay board. I ordered 3. If someone wants one let me know. This was just a practice exercise. I have a few more I want to build.


Ultameciia commented 4 years ago

Kinda late to the party but now that I've just figured out a central monitoring piece I was able to finish the overall monitoring and control layout. I'll add a pic of the most recent enclosure as well. Currently I've got 8 Pi's in rotation (and still need 4 more). 1 is a Pi Zero that aggregates all the sensors on one page, this page is displayed on a old TV in the reptile room. 1 is my "environment" Pi it controls the mistking and light routines. I have a 24 port power strip plugged into one plug on a Meross power strip and the mistking plugged into the power strip. This controls all light for my Tokay Tanks. Mistking is kicked on or off based on the average humidity of the tanks(those sensors are added via remote) it also has an ultrasonic distance sensor for the mistking resevoir. I'm also planning on adding a spare DHT11 or 22 just to monitor ambient temps/humidity in the reptile room.

The other 6 pi's have either a dht22 or an SHT20(i'm slowly replacing dht22's). They're primarily just to monitor and I'd eventually like to add rpi camera's to them.

Now if I could just get my calendar working I'd be set! I'd like the Pi Zero to be where the calendar is, but it seems to ignore any URL I input. The only things left I'd like to do are door sensors and setup the remaining pi's. I absolutely love this project.

Here's a pic of a screw block terminal case I use and love. 20200228_164321

And here's the most recently finished enclosure, it's for one of the tokays I've produced this season. He's a holdback. I love the iheartgeckos conversion kits. 20200229_192822

kahuwi14 commented 4 years ago

Dear yosh, Dear community,

after a long time of taking advantage of this great project and trying to be a part of the TerrariumPi - community as well, I finally managed to upload some pictures of my enclosure.

I set it up with a DS1820, a DHT22, a Heatpad, of course some light and a misting system. The enclosure is running now, for about 3 years and I'm absolutely happy! DSC_0278 DSC_0277 DSC_0274 DSC_0276 DSC_0243 DSC_0245

Beside this, last year in fall, I started another little project: little grow house based on a hydroponic ebb and flood system. In that enclosure I'm growing some hungarian hot wax with great success. IMG-20191218-WA0006 IMG-20191218-WA0022 DSC_0361

All in all, yosh, thank you very much for the great work!

Best wishes to all and stay healthy! Kahuwi

Hemibon commented 4 years ago

And here is my terrarium for which I am using TerrariumPi. I will introduce some Ranitomeya imitator banded in a few months. First, the plants, springtails and isopods need to properly establish :)

IMG_7555 2 copia IMG_7558 2 copia IMG_7564 2 copia IMG_7570 copia IMG_7605 copia IMG_7689 copia

nicholseric commented 4 years ago

TLDR This isnt a terrarium.

This is my first attempt at growing microgreens and of course I want to make it geeky. I tried FruxePi but there are some schedule reliability issues to work out there before it can be relied upon and the developer is MIA. Others suggested TerrariumPI and here I am. Install was way easier and it even worked on my 4b full install 2020-05-27-raspios-buster-full-armhf despite the tutorial stating that it wouldnt work.

Ideally I'd like to control each shelves lights, fans, pumps, and heating pad independently as their own environment (@theyosh may support that some day) but there are only so many GPIO's unless I use something like this. And you can only fit so many outlets and relays in a small box. I made use of all 8 relays by separating some of the outlet circuits.

Thanks for producing such great software!

Whats attached? Huayao 8 Channel DC 5V Relay Module ASAIR AM2302 TE215 (Not supported yet) Barrina LED T5 AC Infinity MULTIFAN S7-P smartpond 80-GPH Submersible Fountain Pump

IMG_20200618_211631 IMG_20200618_211755 IMG_20200621_180650 IMG_20200622_215715 IMG_20200622_215607

theyosh commented 4 years ago

Cool, that is something different! Nice to see more different setups!

1 mayor tip: Replace you DHT22 with a BME280 sensor. ;)

nicholseric commented 4 years ago

Cool, that is something different! Nice to see more different setups!

1 mayor tip: Replace you DHT22 with a BME280 sensor. ;)

Wow, thats a lot of DHT22\AM23## issues! This is an interesting read

ewiandr73 commented 3 years ago

Here are the three enclosures I have completed I have another four to go....




nicholseric commented 3 years ago

Cool, that is something different! Nice to see more different setups! 1 mayor tip: Replace you DHT22 with a BME280 sensor. ;)

Wow, thats a lot of DHT22\AM23## issues! This is an interesting read

My first DHT22 failure. After a quick reboot, back to normal. Screenshot_20200802-145135

blatogera commented 3 years ago


Finally everything up and running here,

7IrH5lKw 55iFXczw AQQ21bww DKWR4v2A Mm4zNRmw nCekS4lw -nU4DIbg TFpZcDew

Matze75-Swiss commented 3 years ago

Hi guys,

here we are:

And this nice four year old Dwarf Caiman is living in the terra: IMG_1167

Dave0408 commented 3 years ago

This is my 80x50x40cm terrarium and of course my box for all of my electronics.














gam3t3chelectronicshobbyhouse commented 3 years ago

Just a bit of testing with the software, great stuff but missing somethings I was hoping to incorporate into my project but all and all A+ front panel and a bunch left to do and get this guy fully enclosed. will post some better complete pictures after.

2020-12-27 20 16 29 2020-12-28 22 22 07

jeryko87 commented 3 years ago

So... Finished the build today. Still have some environment config to do but i'll get there IMG_20210115_004136 IMG_20210115_003555 IMG_20210107_193617 IMG_20201229_185513 IMG_20201220_181121 IMG_20201217_003834 IMG_20201215_210420

samwsimpson commented 3 years ago

how many enclosures could you run off a single TerriumPi setup?

killwater commented 3 years ago

Hello, Here is my setup for one male Laudakia Stellio Picea: 20210529_105856





Currently running with one DHT22 Temperature sensor in the basking area and 4 relay switch driving a HID Bright Sun lamp for light/UVB and 50W halogen lamp for heating. Planned: Cage extension to make the footprint bigger PWM controlled fan PWM controlled halogen dimmer made of desk lamp dimmer controlled by a photoresistor UV A and B sensor on the basking spot VEML6075 IR temperature sensor on the basking spot MLX90614 DHT11 sensor for ambient DHT11 sensor for humidity around the basking spot DHT22 sensor moved to the cold side of the cage Night deep violet 1W diode 420nm

theyosh commented 3 years ago

Hi @killwater,

thanks for the pictures. Looks nice. One advise. Drop DHT sensors and go for BME280 sensors. There are a lot of issues with DHT sensor in the long run:

killwater commented 3 years ago

I will replace them once I get some issues as I already bought DHTs. Seem to be working fine for now. The most important temperature readout is going to be taken from MLX90614 both for basking spot and air in hot end. Being a desert setup I do not really need humidity sensor for control - only for reference.

I do have an issue with IR readout of the basking spot though - when the lizard will go there sensor will measure avarage temperature of the spot and the lizard dropping down the value and triggering the basking lamp switch even if not needed. Does anyone have any experience with that? The only solution I can see is to set it up to ambient and once lizard comes on the spot and temperature drops extra basking bulb is trigerred. This would save some electricity as well as it would only work when the basking is in progress.

theyosh commented 3 years ago

I do have an issue with IR readout of the basking spot though - when the lizard will go there sensor will measure avarage temperature of the spot and the lizard dropping down the value and triggering the basking lamp switch even if not needed. Does anyone have any experience with that? The only solution I can see is to set it up to ambient and once lizard comes on the spot and temperature drops extra basking bulb is trigerred. This would save some electricity as well as it would only work when the basking is in progress.

Please open a new issue... That is easier. I think there are maybe ways to make it work...

morrell7 commented 3 years ago

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-25 at 11 08 27 PM WhatsApp Image 2021-06-25 at 11 01 20 PM WhatsApp Image 2021-06-25 at 11 01 18 PM WhatsApp Image 2021-06-25 at 11 01 19 PM (1)

danimalia2017 commented 2 years ago

Hi @theyosh

Thank you for such great work!

I have an ocellata uromastyx. I am running:

4x 1Wire sensors (Basking spot, Hot Hiding Spot, Ambient & Cool Hiding Spot)

1x DHT22 for Humidity

1x VEML6075 for UVA, UVB and UVI

1xWebcam with wide angle lens

2x GPIO to control the T5 tube and UV/basking spot lamp.





grahnema commented 2 years ago


Thanks for all the great work on this project!

I just started using the program to control my custom dart frog enclosure. I have 6 Dendrobates Leucomelas, I 3D printed a control box that houses all my electronics. Mosfett trigger for air circulation inside the enclosure Mosfett trigger to pull in fresh air and reduce humidity IRF520 for main LED plant lights
IRF520 for moonlights Mosfett trigger for DC powered PTC heater 1 wire temp probe BME280 humidity sensor Sonoff (tasmota) for Mistking

I realize some parts are overkill but I used what I had on hand. The Raspberry pi is also powered over GPIO connected to a LM2596 to bring the incoming DC 24v down to 5v. Everything is also controlled by one incoming 24v 10amp power supply so there are a few other buck converters to regulate voltage to various parts. 20220321_124731 20220328_135350 20220328_135325 20220328_135035 20220328_133941

20220331_104652 The box is a little messy ATM and a few parts missing at the time I took the picture but this current setup is also a prototype.

ewiandr73 commented 2 years ago

I thought it was about time I added a few pictures of my enclosure (1 of 15) for one my Green Tree Pythons.

I built it between 2 rooms with front and back viewing, just need the snake to grow a little before releasing permanently in it's new home. I now have 6 of the 15 enclosures running on a single TerrariumPi without any issues.

20220503_173522 Front

20220503_173718 Back

20220515_221340 Moonlight

20220503_173439 Equipment

20220517_171345 20220517_172052 Future Resident

samwsimpson commented 2 years ago

Can you list all of the components you used?

On Sat, May 28, 2022, 7:57 PM ewiandr73 @.***> wrote:

I thought it was about time I added a few pictures of my enclosure (1 of 15) for one my Green Tree Pythons.

I built it between 2 rooms with front and back viewing, just need the snake to grow a little before releasing permanently in it's new home. I now have 6 of the 15 enclosures running on a single TerrariumPi without any issues.

[image: 20220503_173522] Front

[image: 20220503_173718] Back

[image: 20220515_221340] Moonlight

[image: 20220503_173439] Equipment

[image: 20220517_171345] [image: 20220517_172052] Future Resident

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ewiandr73 commented 2 years ago

Do you mean electronic or all components (timber, acrylic, etc...)?

samwsimpson commented 2 years ago


On Sat, May 28, 2022, 10:51 PM ewiandr73 @.***> wrote:

Do you mean electronic or all components (timber, acrylic, etc...)?

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theyosh commented 2 years ago

I now have 6 of the 15 enclosures running on a single TerrariumPi without any issues.

Damm!!! That is freaking nice! I expected 2 or maybe 3 enclosures. Not 6 or more... :D :D But this is very cool.

samwsimpson commented 2 years ago

That is nice, I had started this project but ended up buying herpstats to run my infrared heat lamps since I needed so many. Glad to see more than 1 setup being ran, but I would like to know how you did it (parts used) :)

Sam Simpson RAD Octopus LLC

418 Peoples Street, Suite 110 Corpus Christi, TX 78401

On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 2:17 PM TheYOSH @.***> wrote:

I now have 6 of the 15 enclosures running on a single TerrariumPi without any issues.

Damm!!! That is freaking nice! I expected 2 or maybe 3 enclosures. Not 6 or more... :D :D But this is very cool.

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