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Add support for AM2320 sensor #296

Closed tvStatic closed 5 years ago

tvStatic commented 5 years ago

AM2320 is a I2C temperature/humidity sensor.

The sensor is a little finicky in that it sleeps after 3 seconds of inactivity, so it is necessary to send a packet to it to wake it up before reading from it. It can be run with a one-wire configuration like a DHT22, but I was unable to make it work with this configuration.

Code to get the temperature and humidity is as follows (from here but the code is untabbed):

import posix
from fcntl import ioctl
import time
class AM2320:
        I2C_ADDR = 0x5c
        I2C_SLAVE = 0x0703
        def __init__(self, i2cbus = 1):
                self._i2cbus = i2cbus
        def _calc_crc16(data):
                crc = 0xFFFF
                for x in data:
                        crc = crc ^ x
                        for bit in range(0, 8):
                                if (crc & 0x0001) == 0x0001:
                                        crc >>= 1
                                        crc ^= 0xA001
                                        crc >>= 1
                return crc

        def _combine_bytes(msb, lsb):
                return msb << 8 | lsb

        def readSensor(self):
                fd ="/dev/i2c-%d" % self._i2cbus, posix.O_RDWR)
                ioctl(fd, self.I2C_SLAVE, self.I2C_ADDR)

                # wake AM2320 up, goes to sleep to not warm up and affect the humidity sensor
                # This write will fail as AM2320 won't ACK this write
                        posix.write(fd, b'\0x00')

                time.sleep(0.001) #Wait at least 0.8ms, at most 3ms

                # write at addr 0x03, start reg = 0x00, num regs = 0x04 */
                posix.write(fd, b'\x03\x00\x04')

                time.sleep(0.0016) #Wait at least 1.5ms for result

                # Read out 8 bytes of result data
                # Byte 0: Should be Modbus function code 0x03
                # Byte 1: Should be number of registers to read (0x04)
                # Byte 2: Humidity msb
                # Byte 3: Humidity lsb
                # Byte 4: Temperature msb
                # Byte 5: Temperature lsb
                # Byte 6: CRC lsb byte
                # Byte 7: CRC msb byte
                data = bytearray(, 8))
                # Check data[0] and data[1]
                if data[0] != 0x03 or data[1] != 0x04:
                        raise Exception("First two read bytes are a mismatch")
                # CRC check
                if self._calc_crc16(data[0:6]) != self._combine_bytes(data[7], data[6]):
                        raise Exception("CRC failed")

                # Temperature resolution is 16Bit,
                # temperature highest bit (Bit15) is equal to 1 indicates a
                # negative temperature, the temperature highest bit (Bit15)
                # is equal to 0 indicates a positive temperature;
                # temperature in addition to the most significant bit (Bit14 ~ Bit0)
                # indicates the temperature sensor string value.
                # Temperature sensor value is a string of 10 times the
                # actual temperature value.
                temp = self._combine_bytes(data[4], data[5])
                if temp & 0x8000:
                        temp = -(temp & 0x7FFF)
                temp /= 10.0

                humi = self._combine_bytes(data[2], data[3]) / 10.0
                return (temp, humi)

am2320 = AM2320(1)
(t,h) = am2320.readSensor()

When I have time, I can prepare a pull request if preferred.

theyosh commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for the code, but I do have some issues with it. So I looked around on the internet, and found a slight easier to read code:

So I added support for this sensor. Just enter the I2C address (default is 5c). Could you test this?

Just do a git pull and restart. Clear browser cache and you should be able to add AM2320 sensors. Both temperature and humidity is supported.

tvStatic commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your efforts!

Getting the following when I added this sensor:

load_raw_data humid:
global name 'PARAM_AM2320_READ' is not defined
2019-06-12 12:53:56,752 - WARNING - terrariumSensor      - Measured value NoneC from am2320 sensor 'Test Temp' is outside valid range 0.00C - 40.00C in 0.00985 seconds.

I moved the two declarations in

PARAM_AM2320_READ = 0x03

To line 622, then got this error:

load_raw_data humid:
local variable 'buf' referenced before assignment

I added the following at the start of get_raw_data:

buf = ""

Then got the following error:

load_raw_data temp:
[Errno 121] Remote I/O error
load_raw_data humid:
global name 'unpack' is not defined


from struct import unpack

To the top of the file. And finally ended up with this:

load_raw_data temp:
[Errno 121] Remote I/O error
load_raw_data humid:
unpack requires a string argument of length 2

My own scripts are continuing to work at address 5c, so it's not a sensor problem. To verify: Hardware is AM2320, Address is 5c.

theyosh commented 5 years ago

Hmm, I made some updates. So could you see if it improves?

Else. could you run the script and see if that works for you? If that script is not working, then my code will also not work.

tvStatic commented 5 years ago

I was able to figure out the issue based on running the script you specified.

The issue is related to this part of the code that I provided, for which there is no equivalent in the mqtt version:

# wake AM2320 up, goes to sleep to not warm up and affect the humidity sensor
# This write will fail as AM2320 won't ACK this write
        posix.write(fd, b'\0x00')

Fix was to replace line 602 in with the following:

# wake AM2320 up, goes to sleep to not warm up and affect the humidity sensor
# This write will fail as AM2320 won't ACK this write
  self.i2c_bus.write_i2c_block_data(int('0x' + gpio_pins[0],16), 0x00, [])

With this code fix, the sensor is operated as expected. Thanks!

theyosh commented 5 years ago

Ah, yes now I see it. I have updated my code. It should now work nicely. Could you update once more and test it? And thanks for the testing... it helps a lot and saves me some money not buying all kind of sensors. :P

tvStatic commented 5 years ago

I can verify that the latest commit is working correctly. Thanks again.