theypsilon / Updater_script_MiSTer_Unofficial

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Additional Cores for the Unofficial Distribution Updater #4

Open ajgowans opened 2 years ago

ajgowans commented 2 years ago

I am wondering if it is possible to add some more cores to the Unofficial downloader? Below are all the ones I am aware of that for various reasons are not in Main that could be considered. I imagine most people enabling the unofficial script would be happy to grab some more cores that are unlikely to ever be in main, but work on MiSTer. I think all have names in the names.txt already, and most have tty2oled images.

Computers: Camputers Lynx (unlikely to be added into Main ever) - DVK MC1201 (WIP Russian computer) -

Utilities: SDRAM Test (48k) (Jotego Memtest) - SDRAM Test (96k) (Jotego Memtest) -

Other: Mandlebrot Zoomer - Nand2Tetris (fantasy computer) - Super Jacob (fantasy computer) -

theypsilon commented 2 years ago

Hi @ajgowans , thanks for the suggestion but my answer might not be what you expected.

This Unofficial Updater is considered obsolete and will never add new cores. That being said, I'm really looking forward for a replacement: Today, unofficial cores can be added easily through the new custom database feature from the Downloader -> If I see a new "unofficials database" getting popular in the community, I will add it to Update All, replacing the old one.

If anybody wanting to create a new unofficial database needs my help, please do not hesitate to contact me. I'll do what I can to support you.