thheller / shadow-cljs

ClojureScript compilation made easy
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Send messages over nREPL for a variety of events #1139

Closed vemv closed 7 months ago

vemv commented 11 months ago

As a preface, over the last two weeks I've worked quite a lot on a less buggy CIDER<->shadow-cljs integration. We have a new release around the corner which will bundle those.

After that work, I've come to observe that my recently created issues (,, all have have one thing in common: I want to know when stuff happened, and react to it.

From and feedback, I sense that it could be a hard sell for shadow-cljs to react to conditions (e.g. reload an .html page), but CIDER could happily do those.

For that, we can leverage the fact that a given nREPL message can have multiple, async responses over an indefinite period of time.

For example, for this message:

  id         "10"
  op         "eval"
  session    "62cffa12-b4ad-4517-9223-1478ca773f69"
  time-stamp "2023-08-07 09:22:38.510263000"
  code       "(do (require '[shadow.cljs.devtools.api :as shadow]) (shadow/watch :app) (shadow/nrepl-select :app))"
  ns         "shadow.user"

shadow-cljs could respond each time something interesting happened.

Those include:

Example message:

  id                 "10"
  session            "62cffa12-b4ad-4517-9223-1478ca773f69"
  time-stamp         "2023-08-07 09:22:39.626539000"
  status             ("shadow-cljs/compiled")
  shadow-cljs/compilation-info {:files 324 :warnings 0 :time-ms 10}

Using this info, CIDER and others can build better UIs. For instance, currently the compilation info is printed to stdout, but:

I hope this sounds interesting - please let me know what you think!

Thanks - V

thheller commented 11 months ago

Most is probably already available. Just a tad different than you are proposing here. I opened for this but nobody showed any interest, so I closed it after a year. As described in that issue shadow.remote powers all remote interactions that shadow-cljs has. The entire UI runs over it, as does the nREPL implementation.

For example over nrepl send the following:

{:op "shadow-remote-init" :data-type "edn"}

That just sets up the connection, required to send this once before anything else.

Then you can send (no clue how you'd do an actual pr-str in cider)

{:op "shadow-remote-msg"
 :data (pr-str {:op :request-clients
                :notify true
                :query [:eq :type :runtime]})}

;; so this, not a literal (pr-str ...)

{:op "shadow-remote-msg"
 :data "{:op :request-clients :notify true :query [:eq :type :runtime]}"}

This example you only get clients that identify as a :runtime (aka CLJ(S) runtimes), otherwise you also get yourself and the UI connections and so on. Which is fine but probably not something you are interested in. You can also limit it to specific builds, but the client info will also contain the build-id so sending this once is probably better than sending it per build.

On the receiving end you'll get {:op "shadow-remote-msg" :data "edn-encoded-string"} messages, that should be self explanatory. There will be a :op :welcome message, and the result for :request-clients is just :op :clients and :op :notify for updates.

I don't know what the state of EDN encoding/decoding is in cider, another available option is :data-type "transit". shadow.remote only understands EDN type data, so JSON/bencode or others are not supported and I'm not really interested in adding support for them, since shadow.remote needs actual EDN data (eg. keywords).

I can list some more common :op (e.g. eval, getting build infos, etc) if this is something that would work for your usecase. Since shadow-cljs uses this extensively itself pretty much everything is available, although often optimized for what the UI needs.

thheller commented 11 months ago

You could also just skip nrepl and directly connect to the websocket if cider/emacs supports that, nREPL really doesn't bring much to the table in this regard. The messages you'll exchange are the same though, so doesn't matter too much.

vemv commented 11 months ago sounds fully workable to me.

I'm not sure about the need for pr-str. As far as I know, you can attach arbitrary data over an nREPL message, at least for Clojure's basic data types. 'Bencoding' would take care of the rest.

But pr-str is certainly OK. You can send edn-encoded strings, and we would decode it CIDER side with which is a trusted solution.

You could also just skip nrepl and directly connect to the websocket if cider/emacs supports that

Emacs being such a quirky piece of software, I'd prefer it we sticked to nREPL so that we can reuse all our tech and knowledge.



thheller commented 11 months ago

shadow-remote-msg is just an envelope and it expects an encoded field, as long as you send this its fine.

;; valid 
{:op "shadow-remote-msg"
 :data "{:op :request-clients :notify true :query [:eq :type :runtime]}"}

;; NOT valid 
{:op "shadow-remote-msg"
 :data {:op :request-clients :notify true :query [:eq :type :runtime]}}