thheller / shadow-cljs

ClojureScript compilation made easy
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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could not find module-entry: rxjs/Observable #149

Closed kurtharriger closed 6 years ago

kurtharriger commented 6 years ago

I'm attempting to create a clojurescript project that uses a library which depends on rxjs, but it seems to fail with the following:

could not find module-entry: rxjs/Observable
{:require "rxjs/Observable", :entry "rxjs/Observable", :package {:package-name "rxjs", :package-dir #object[ 0x394d5392 "/Users/kharriger/projects/sandbox/shadow-cljs-examples/browser/node_modules/rxjs"], :package-json {"engines" {"npm" ">=2.0.0"}, "license" "Apache-2.0", "typings" "./Rx.d.ts", "config" {"commitizen" {"path" "cz-conventional-changelog"}}, "devDependencies" {"rollup-plugin-node-resolve" "^2.0.0", "cz-conventional-changelog" "^1.2.0", "eslint" "^3.8.0", "markdown-doctest" "^0.9.1", "mocha-in-sauce" "0.0.1", "promise" "^7.1.1", "gzip-size" "^3.0.0", "gm" "^1.22.0", "mocha" "^3.0.2", "nyc" "^10.2.0", "npm-scripts-info" "^0.3.4", "get-folder-size" "^1.0.0", "rxjs" "latest", "typings" "^2.0.0", "sinon-chai" "^2.9.0", "lodash" "^4.15.0", "tslib" "^1.5.0", "validate-commit-msg" "^2.14.0", "opn-cli" "^3.1.0", "@angular-devkit/build-optimizer" "0.0.24", "rollup" "0.36.3", "klaw-sync" "^3.0.0", "webpack" "^1.13.1", "fs-extra" "^2.1.2", "xmlhttprequest" "1.8.0", "coveralls" "^2.11.13", "watch" "^1.0.1", "source-map-support" "^0.4.0", "madge" "^1.4.3", "typescript" "~2.0.6", "commitizen" "^2.8.6", "tslint" "^4.4.2", "danger" "^1.1.0", "chai" "^3.5.0", "babel-polyfill" "^6.23.0", "sinon" "^2.1.0", "npm-run-all" "^4.0.2", "rx" "latest", "esdoc" "^0.4.7", "lint-staged" "3.2.5", "shx" "^0.2.2", "rollup-plugin-inject" "^2.0.0", "mkdirp" "^0.5.1", "husky" "^0.13.3", "doctoc" "^1.0.0", "benchmark" "^2.1.0", "benchpress" "2.0.0-beta.1", "protractor" "^3.1.1", "colors" "1.1.2", "minimist" "^1.2.0", "escape-string-regexp" "^1.0.5 ", "glob" "^7.0.3", "platform" "^1.3.1", "color" "^0.11.1", "http-server" "^0.9.0", "google-closure-compiler-js" "^20170218.0.0"}, "dependencies" {"symbol-observable" "1.0.1"}, "author" "Ben Lesh <>", "repository" {"type" "git", "url" ""}, "homepage" "", "name" "rxjs", "main" "./Rx.js", "lint-staged" {"*.@(js)" ["eslint --fix" "git add"], "*.@(ts)" ["tslint --fix" "git add"]}, "keywords" ["Rx" "RxJS" "ReactiveX" "ReactiveExtensions" "Streams" "Observables" "Observable" "Stream" "ES6" "ES2015"], "bugs" {"url" ""}, "version" "5.5.5", "scripts-info" {"cover" "Execute test coverage", "check_circular_dependencies" "Check codebase has circular dependencies", "clean_dist_esm5" "Clean up existing ESM/ES5 package output", "build_test" "Build CJS package & test spec, execute mocha test runner", "build_perf" "Build CJS & Global build, run macro performance test", "lint_spec" "Run lint against test spec", "info" "List available script", "build_esm2015" "Build ESM/ES2015 package with clean up existing build", "clean_spec" "Clean up existing test spec build output", "build_cjs" "Build CJS package with clean up existing build", "lint" "Run lint against everything", "watch" "Watch codebase, trigger compile when source code changes", "build_all" "Build all packages (ES6, CJS, UMD) and generate packages", "tests2png" "Generate marble diagram image from test spec", "commit" "Run git commit wizard", "compile_dist_esm2015" "Compile codebase into ESM/ES2015", "build_spec" "Build test specs", "perf" "Run macro performance benchmark", "build_closure_core" "Minify Global core build using closure compiler", "lint_src" "Run lint against source", "lint_perf" "Run lint against performance test suite", "clean_dist_cjs" "Clean up existing CJS package output", "build_docs" "Build ESM2015 & global package, create documentation using it", "build_esm5" "Build ESM/ES5 package with clean up existing build", "compile_module_esm5" "Compile codebase into ESM/ES5", "compile_dist_cjs" "Compile codebase into CJS module", "build_cover" "Run lint to current code, build CJS & test spec, execute test coverage", "test_mocha" "Execute mocha test runner against existing test spec build", "clean_dist_global" "Clean up existing Global package output", "test_browser" "Execute mocha test runner on browser against existing test spec build", "build_global" "Build Global package, then minify build", "clean_dist_esm2015" "Clean up existing ESM/ES2015 package output", "perf_micro" "Run micro performance benchmark", "test" "Clean up existing test spec build, build test spec and execute mocha test runner"}, "contributors" [{"name" "Ben Lesh", "email" ""} {"name" "Paul Taylor", "email" ""} {"name" "Jeff Cross", "email" ""} {"name" "Matthew Podwysocki", "email" ""} {"name" "OJ Kwon", "email" ""} {"name" "Andre Staltz", "email" ""}], "description" "Reactive Extensions for modern JavaScript"}, :version "5.5.5", :dependencies #{"symbol-observable"}}}
ExceptionInfo: could not find module-entry: rxjs/Observable

I forked and modified the browser example project to make it easy to reproduce.

thheller commented 6 years ago

Should be fixed in shadow-cljs@2.0.117.