Request to upgrade & known timeline for the same would help.
1) cookie: upgrade to 0.4.1 (Has Fix maxAge option to reject invalid values. Link:
2) util: upgrade to 0.12.4.
3) string_decoder: upgrade to 1.3.0
4) readable-stream: upgrade to 3.6.0
Also would like to understand the impact when users do not use such code (above ones) directly, is it safe to say that internally also these package code is not used untill then?
Request to upgrade & known timeline for the same would help. 1) cookie: upgrade to 0.4.1 (Has Fix maxAge option to reject invalid values. Link: 2) util: upgrade to 0.12.4. 3) string_decoder: upgrade to 1.3.0 4) readable-stream: upgrade to 3.6.0 Also would like to understand the impact when users do not use such code (above ones) directly, is it safe to say that internally also these package code is not used untill then?