thias / puppet-nagios

Puppet Nagios module
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Fluentbit Check #213

Closed jpfir closed 5 months ago

jpfir commented 7 months ago

The Fluent Bit check uses the /api/v1/health endpoint to determine the health status of Fluent Bit. The health check is performed by a custom script named check_fluentbit_health, which is located by default at /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ This script checks the health of the Fluent Bit service by accessing the API endpoint /api/v1/health, which provides health status directly from the Fluent Bit service.

By default, localhost and port 2020 are used for the check but you can customize it from hiera: nagios::check::fluentbit::args: '-H your-fluentbit-host -p your-port-number'