thias / puppet-nagios

Puppet Nagios module
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Adding more checks #44

Open fzebib opened 9 years ago

fzebib commented 9 years ago

What is the best way to add new/custom checks without changing anything? I believe I have it doing everything I want properly - which is adding the host on the nagios server of the client's puppet is using - but now I just want to make "templates" with specific checks.


pelacables commented 7 years ago


I've created a custom nagios_conf::commands class where I define the new commands like:

class nagios_conf::commands (
  $nrpe_command = '$USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -t 15',
) {

  nagios_command { 'check_nrpe_puppet_agent':
    command_line => "${nrpe_command} -c check_puppet_agent",

with this new command available you define new checks like:

class nagios_conf::check::puppet_agent (
  $ensure                   = undef,
  $args                     = '-d 0 -l agent_disabled_lockfile -s /var/lib/puppet/state/last_run_summary.yaml',
  $check_title              = $::nagios::client::host_name,
  $servicegroups            = undef,
  $privileged_user          = 'root',
  $plugin                   = 'puppet_agent',
  $check_period             = $::nagios::client::service_check_period,
  $contact_groups           = $::nagios::client::service_contact_groups,
  $first_notification_delay = '120',
  $max_check_attempts       = $::nagios::client::service_max_check_attempts,
  $notification_period      = $::nagios::client::service_notification_period,
  $use                      = $::nagios::client::service_use,
) {

  # The check is being executed via sudo
  file { '/etc/sudoers.d/nagios_puppet_agent':
    ensure  => $ensure,
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => 'root',
    mode    => '0440',
    # We customize the user, the nagios plugin dir and few other things
    content => template('nagios_conf/plugins/check_puppet_agent-sudoers.erb'),

  # Service specific script
  file { "${nagios::client::plugin_dir}/puppet_agent":
    ensure => $ensure,
    owner  => 'root',
    group  => 'root',
    mode   => '0755',
    source => 'puppet:///modules/nagios_conf/plugins/',

  nagios::client::nrpe_file { 'check_puppet_agent':
    ensure => $ensure,
    plugin => $plugin,
    sudo   => true,
    args   => $args,

  nagios::service { "check_puppet_agent_${check_title}":
    ensure                   => $ensure,
    check_command            => 'check_nrpe_puppet_agent',
    service_description      => 'puppet_agent',
    servicegroups            => $servicegroups,
    check_period             => $check_period,
    contact_groups           => $contact_groups,
    first_notification_delay => $first_notification_delay,
    notification_period      => $notification_period,
    max_check_attempts       => $max_check_attempts,
    use                      => $use,

This code will create a new puppet check for any node that includes it.

HTH, Arnau

pmoranga commented 7 years ago

You can follow this: