Closed richardbporter closed 10 years ago
Hmmm, I'm going to need more details. The package name you mention clearly isn't valid for RHEL/Fedora, so I'm guessing you use another distribution. I thought the recent changes that others contributed to also covered Debian/Ubuntu now, but maybe not.
Please provide the details about the distribution you are using as well as a copy/paste of the relevant puppet manifest bits where you're calling php::module (and maybe others).
I think you're right. This package might need to be installed differently on CentOS. Anyway, here is some info.
I'm using a Vagrant box running CentOS 6.5 provided by PuppetLabs:
The package I'm trying to install is :
Here is the relevant manifest info:
class { "epel": }
php::ini { "/etc/php.ini":
allow_url_fopen => "On",
error_reporting => "E_ALL | E_STRICT",
expose_php => "Off",
display_errors => "On",
memory_limit => "256M",
upload_max_filesize => "50M",
date_timezone => "America/Chicago",
include php::cli
php::module { [ "pecl-apc", "devel", "gd", "ldap", "mbstring", "mcrypt", "pecl-memcache", "mysql", "pdo", "soap", "pecl-uploadprogress", "pecl-xdebug", "xml" ]: }
I think your problem is simply that this PECL module is not packaged as an RPM in EPEL, so puppet's yum provider will never find it...
[root@el6 ~]# yum list '*upload*'
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Installed Packages
libreport-plugin-reportuploader.x86_64 2.0.9-19.el6 @os
Available Packages
abrt-plugin-reportuploader.x86_64 1.1.16-3.el6 optional
perl-Flickr-Upload.noarch 1.32-2.el6 epel
php-pear-HTTP-Upload.noarch 0.9.1-5.el6 epel
I see that Remi's repository does include that module for the versions of PHP he builds and maintains :
In any case, this is not a problem with my module : There's no magic, the RPM package must be available before it can be installed... so closing.
Yep. Sorry, I'm fairly new to this. Thanks for your help.
Hi - Quick question, should I be able to install the pecl-uploadprogress extension with this module? I'm having trouble and just want to know if its something I'm doing wrong. It looks like the module is trying to install "php-pecl-uploadprogress" when it seems like it should just be "pecl-uploadprogress"