thibaultmarin / hpp2plantuml

Convert C++ header files to PlantUML
MIT License
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Offer title option #5

Closed PanderMusubi closed 5 years ago

PanderMusubi commented 5 years ago

Please, offer an optional argument to add a title.

For example, the option can be called -t or --title and requires a string, possible with escaped spaces or enclosed in two single or two double quotes.

The result will be that a line starting with title and this string (without escaping of spaces or enclosing quotes) is added to the generated PlantUML file.

thibaultmarin commented 5 years ago

I am looking into this. I plan to add support for templates to solve this and #4 simultaneously.

thibaultmarin commented 5 years ago

v0.5 should now support templates. See the readme for an example setting the title and skinparam. Please let me know if that fixes the issue.

PanderMusubi commented 5 years ago

The extends results in only the content of the file to be included. The block preamble only results in what is added there. I am missing what normally is added by hpp2plantuml.

PanderMusubi commented 5 years ago

As example, please also add

{% block preamble %}
!include default.puml

title The Title
{% endblock %}

In that way, the file to be included is not included literally but via reference.

thibaultmarin commented 5 years ago

I don't understand the problem. Here are the steps I use and the corresponding outputs.

Setup a virtual environment

virtualenv -p python3 hpp2plantuml/

Load the virtual environment

source hpp2plantuml/bin/activate

For Windows this may look like: hpp2plantuml\Scripts\activate.bat.

Clone the repository

This is to get the example files.

git clone hpp2plantuml-src/

Install hpp2plantuml

pip install hpp2plantuml


Default template

Using the default template, I get the following result (no preamble):

hpp2plantuml -i "hpp2plantuml-src/tests/simple_classes_*.hpp" -o output_1.puml



/' Objects '/

abstract class Class01 {
    +{abstract} AbstractPublicMethod(int param) : bool
    +PublicMethod(int param) : bool {query}
    +{static} StaticPublicMethod(bool param) : bool
    #{abstract} _AbstractMethod(int param) : bool
    #_ProtectedMethod(int param) : bool
    #{static} _StaticProtectedMethod(bool param) : bool
    #_protected_var : int
    +public_var : int

class Class02 {
    +AbstractPublicMethod(int param) : bool
    -_AbstractMethod(int param) : bool
    -_PrivateMethod(int param) : bool
    -{static} _StaticPrivateMethod(bool param) : bool
    -_private_var : int

class Class03 <template<typename T>> {
    -_data : Class01*
    -_obj : Class01*
    -_typed_obj : T*
    -_obj_list : list<Class02>

namespace Interface {
    class Class04 {
        -_obj : Class01*
        -_flag : bool

namespace Interface {
    class Class04_derived {
        -_var : int

enum Enum01 {

/' Inheritance relationships '/

.Class01 <|-- .Class02

namespace Interface {
    Class04 <|-- Class04_derived

/' Aggregation relationships '/

.Class03 "2" o-- .Class01

.Class03 o-- .Class02

Interface.Class04 o-- .Class01


Custom template

To add a title and skinparam options, the custom template examples seems to work for me:

hpp2plantuml -i "hpp2plantuml-src/tests/simple_classes_*.hpp" -o output_2.puml -t hpp2plantuml-src/tests/custom_template.puml



title "This is a title"
skinparam backgroundColor #EEEBDC
skinparam handwritten true

/' Objects '/

abstract class Class01 {
    +{abstract} AbstractPublicMethod(int param) : bool
    +PublicMethod(int param) : bool {query}
    +{static} StaticPublicMethod(bool param) : bool
    #{abstract} _AbstractMethod(int param) : bool
    #_ProtectedMethod(int param) : bool
    #{static} _StaticProtectedMethod(bool param) : bool
    #_protected_var : int
    +public_var : int

class Class02 {
    +AbstractPublicMethod(int param) : bool
    -_AbstractMethod(int param) : bool
    -_PrivateMethod(int param) : bool
    -{static} _StaticPrivateMethod(bool param) : bool
    -_private_var : int

class Class03 <template<typename T>> {
    -_data : Class01*
    -_obj : Class01*
    -_typed_obj : T*
    -_obj_list : list<Class02>

namespace Interface {
    class Class04 {
        -_obj : Class01*
        -_flag : bool

namespace Interface {
    class Class04_derived {
        -_var : int

enum Enum01 {

/' Inheritance relationships '/

.Class01 <|-- .Class02

namespace Interface {
    Class04 <|-- Class04_derived

/' Aggregation relationships '/

.Class03 "2" o-- .Class01

.Class03 o-- .Class02

Interface.Class04 o-- .Class01


Include template

If I try to use the template you are proposing, the output does not look good to me:

echo "{% block preamble %}" > custom_include.puml
echo '!'"include default.puml" >> custom_include.puml
echo "title The Title" >> custom_include.puml
echo "{% endblock %}" >> custom_include.puml

hpp2plantuml -i "hpp2plantuml-src/tests/simple_classes_*.hpp" -o output_3.puml -t custom_include.puml


!include default.puml
title The Title

I think that 4.1 and 4.2 behave as expected. Can you please describe in detail what the problem is (input/output/expected output)?

thibaultmarin commented 5 years ago

@PanderMusubi, can this and #4 be closed?