thibautjombart / apex

Phylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene Data
5 stars 3 forks source link

Bug reported by CRAN #35

Closed thibautjombart closed 9 years ago

thibautjombart commented 9 years ago

Dear maintainers,

This concerns the packages

SASxport adegenet apex gstudio mmod qdapDictionaries

maintained by one of you, which now fail in r-devel due to

\subsection{SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES}{ \itemize{ \item \code{nchar(x, *)} gains a new argument \code{keepNA} which governs how the result for \code{NA}s in \code{x} is determined. The new default \code{keepNA = NA} returns \code{NA} where \code{x} is \code{NA}, unless for \code{type = "width"} which still returns \code{2}, the formatting / printing width of \code{NA}.

  \code{nzchar(x)} gets the same new argument, with default
  \code{keepNA = FALSE} however.  Consequently \code{nzchar(x)} keeps
  returning a non-\code{NA} logical vector, back compatibly.


Can you please provide updates of your packages which work again under current r-devel within the next 2 weeks?

When doing so, pls make sure you address all issues shown on your package check pages.

Best -k