thibauts / node-upnp-mediarenderer-client

An UPnP/DLNA MediaRenderer client
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Support for subtitles through UPnP DIDL-Lite #6

Closed thibauts closed 8 years ago

thibauts commented 9 years ago

Hi @xat, I'm trying to get DIDL-Lite subtitles working but I'm starting to doubt my TV supports external subtitles at all. I see you playing with DLNA so I was thinking you may help me test a few things :p

What TV brand model do you have ?

xat commented 9 years ago

I've got a Samsung UE55H6470. Sure, what do I have todo to test? :D

thibauts commented 9 years ago

Hm, Samsungs support external subtitles through DLNA headers when serving content, "sadly" .. Example here in case you're interested

xat commented 9 years ago

Hmm, didn't work. Must the VTT be on the same host as the media file? I tried an VTT on a different host res.setHeader('CaptionInfo.sec', '')

thibauts commented 9 years ago

I don't think so. But you should try with an SRT file. I'm not sure many TVs support VTTs.

xat commented 9 years ago

No luck with either :(

thibauts commented 9 years ago

That's strange .. I had it work on a friend's samsung. Have you tried playing the media file from the same server ?

xat commented 9 years ago

I'll try

xat commented 9 years ago

Same problem when the subtitles are on the same host. However, I see that there is a request from the TV to the subtitles route.

thibauts commented 9 years ago

Do you serve the proper content type ?

xat commented 9 years ago

I didn't. But also with the correct content type no luck. Maybe I'm also missing some TV setting. Bought it a week ago and didn't try subtitles at all yet on it.

thibauts commented 9 years ago

I'm currently implementing DIDL-Lite metadata and trying to cover all subtleties even though I won't be able to the the result with my Bravia. Maybe it'll help with your case, we'll see. I should be done in a few hours.

xat commented 9 years ago

okay, cool!

thibauts commented 9 years ago


xat commented 9 years ago

nice, but I get a warning now on my TV saying "the selected file is currently not supported"

thibauts commented 9 years ago

If you don't provide metadata there shouldn't be any difference. Can you show me your load call ?

xat commented 9 years ago

The warning appeared with the meta-data

    cli.load(url + '/media', { autoplay: true, contentType: type, metadata: {
      title: 'Some Movie Title',
      creator: 'John Doe',
      type: 'video', // can be 'video', 'audio' or 'image'
      subtitlesUrl: url + '/'
    } }, function() { ... }
thibauts commented 9 years ago

Internally metadata is serialized to DIDL-Lite here and only present options are added. Can you try to provide, first an empty map {} then gradually add the various options to see where it breaks ?

xat commented 9 years ago

yes, without the 'subtitlesUrl' field it works.

This is how my route looks like:

      route.get('/', function (req, res) {
        res.setHeader('Content-type', 'text/srt')
        res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
        return fs.createReadStream(opts.subtitles).pipe(res)
xat commented 9 years ago

If I open the route within the browser the subtitles-file shows up

thibauts commented 9 years ago

I have no obvious clue. Maybe the SRT format is not supported by your TV. Or maybe one of the ways the subtitles are advertised in buildMetadata makes your TV choke. Try to comment the various SubElements and see how it goes.

Or maybe your TV supports external SRT subtitles but not through DIDL-Lite ...

This is the difficult part with DLNA, without access to various brands it's really difficult to debug

xat commented 9 years ago

The error dosn't appear when I comment out:

    var res = et.SubElement(item, 'res');
    res.set('protocolInfo', 'http-get:*:text/srt:*');
    res.text = metadata.subtitlesUrl;
xat commented 9 years ago

should srt appear in the list returned by getSupportedProtocols() ?

thibauts commented 9 years ago

Ok that's what I suspected too. Yes, when using this tag, having the same protocolInfo appearing in the supported protocols would seem consistent. I don't have it yet my TV doesn't blink an eye.

I'm not even sure this tag is of much use so it may be best to remove it, or at least comment it out for now.

thibauts commented 9 years ago

I commented it and published an update to NPM.

xat commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I'll checkout the Samsung manual if I'm missing something else or just live with it :)

Ivshti commented 8 years ago

@thibauts is the http-get:*:text/srt:* tag needed to support srt subtitles?

drJeckyll commented 8 years ago

My Samsung don't pick up subtitles without res.set('protocolInfo', 'http-get:*:text/srt:*'); But if I uncomment lines it says "The selected file is not currently supported" :)

thibauts commented 8 years ago

I don't understand. So it never works ?

drJeckyll commented 8 years ago


  1. If lines are commented: I don't see any request from TV to pickup subtitles.
  2. If lines are uncommented: I see couple of requests (HEAD and GET) and then TV show "The selected file is not currently supported". This may be my code, because I'm not sure which headers TV expects to find when ask about subtitles. I try to serve them (subs) via web server which failed too.
thibauts commented 8 years ago

Yes, headers may be important ... Have you tried to play exactly the same file with the same subtitles with other upnp software ? It it works, sniffing the traffic would settle it :)

drJeckyll commented 8 years ago

The subs are OK. They are showing with minidlna. Yep I will dump some traffic at some point :)

thibauts commented 8 years ago

That would be awesome :)

drJeckyll commented 8 years ago

Yeh ... I was just missing CaptionInfo.sec header.

So lines must stay commented. If they are uncommented Samsung will pick only subs file and will display "The selected file is not currently supported" which is correct in some way.

If you put CaptionInfo.sec Samsung will start to play movie and then will fetch subs. It works this way on web server too (lighttpd w/o any mime config).

Ivshti commented 8 years ago

@drJeckyll can you give a bit more info on how to set CaptionInfo.sec properly?

drJeckyll commented 8 years ago

There is no magic: response.setHeader('CaptionInfo.sec', '') You must put this header in place where you serve video file, so Samsung can pick it up when start to play video. Whole thing is a real mess :)

Ivshti commented 8 years ago

what will happen if protocolInfo and sec:captionInfo headers are still passed?

drJeckyll commented 8 years ago

If you have in mind protocolInfo with srt from upnp-mediarenderer-client then you are lost just like me :)

Don't set res.set('protocolInfo', 'http-get:*:text/srt:*');. Or just for new versions of Samsung (C,D,E,F - minidlna code says and I can say H from my TV) don't use it. For any other TV's may be right to use it, I don't know.

But my confusion (and may be yours too) come from fact that I assume that Samsung will pick subs from client headers. Which is wrong. Samsung pick subs from server headers ie you must put CaptionInfo.sec in server response header, not in client request header.

Now to your question. If you put protocolInfo in client request header, then Samsung C,D,E,F, H will show "The selected file is not currently supported", because TV will pick just subs file and never will ask for movie file.

Check this:

Ivshti commented 8 years ago

That's weird as hell. :)

We should look into how apps that support most TVs do it - e.g. Popcorn Time?

I cannot find anything different than what we're doing here, and looking at the butter source, there's no setting of headers anywhere. :(

drJeckyll commented 8 years ago

Check minidlna source. I found my mistake from their code.

thibauts commented 8 years ago

AFAIK popcorn time used this very module for DLNA so they aren't doing any better.

As @drJeckyll said minidlna is a great resource. This software and others have worked out a crazy amount of edge cases through feedback, I guess. That said, our support for straight video isn't bad and probably won't get much better. What's more hairy is subtitles, their formats and ways of being delivered. And that's probably because there's no standard for external (non embedded) subtitles in DLNA.

thibauts commented 8 years ago

Following this issue I just pushed an update that should help people that need the res tag in the DIDL-Lite metadata. Let me know if it solves it for you.

vankasteelj commented 8 years ago

LG pre-webos: fine with and without subs