thiccaxe / CompanionGames

Concept: multiplayer games using iOS/iPadOS remote. Companion Protocol.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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RTI Keyed Archiver research #7

Open thiccaxe opened 4 months ago

thiccaxe commented 4 months ago
(9, {'flags': 1417693830, 'auxFlags': 1, '$class': UID(10), 'version': 2}),
(10, {'$classname': 'TITextInputTraits', '$classes': ['TITextInputTraits', 'NSObject']}),

typedef struct {
    unsigned autocapitalizationType : 2;
    unsigned autocorrectionType : 2;
    unsigned spellCheckingType : 2;
    unsigned keyboardType : 5;
    unsigned keyboardAppearance : 3;
    unsigned returnKeyType : 5;
    unsigned textScriptType : 4;
    unsigned enablesReturnKeyAutomatically : 1;
    unsigned secureTextEntry : 1;
    unsigned disablePrediction : 1;
    unsigned smartInsertDeleteType : 2;
    unsigned smartQuotesType : 2;
    unsigned smartDashesType : 2;
} SCD_Struct_TI28;

typedef union {
    long long integerValue;
    SCD_Struct_TI28 fields;
} SCD_Union_TI29;

flags seems to be 32 bit bitfield.

auxFlags? auxillary would be 2 bit bitfield

typedef struct {
    unsigned inlineCompletionType : 2; 
} SCD_Struct_TI30;

typedef union {
    long long integerValue;
    SCD_Struct_TI30 fields;
} SCD_Union_TI31;
thiccaxe commented 2 months ago

some of the enums