Trying to use trackbar having interval of 5 values at least.. so each drag should increment by 5. So say if minimum is 0, maximum 100, scroll drag should increment values such as 5, 10, 15,.... 100. I've tried setting small change and large change but doesn't seems to change anything. Also the styling doesn't apply on trackbar. I've changed Theme to Dark, and tried different Styles from dropdown but it doesn't change trackbar colours.
Hi, Trying to use trackbar having interval of 5 values at least.. so each drag should increment by 5. So say if minimum is 0, maximum 100, scroll drag should increment values such as 5, 10, 15,.... 100. I've tried setting small change and large change but doesn't seems to change anything. Also the styling doesn't apply on trackbar. I've changed Theme to Dark, and tried different Styles from dropdown but it doesn't change trackbar colours.