thielj / MetroFramework

Metro UI of Windows 8 for .NET Windows Forms applications
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Metro progress bars (styling) #28

Open LiamKenyon opened 10 years ago

LiamKenyon commented 10 years ago


I'm trying to style my progress bars, i have tried both of the following:

Suggestion 1 (automatically created by VB)

With MetroProgressBar1 .Style = CType(ProgressBarStyle.Blocks, MetroFramework.MetroColorStyle) .Visible = True .Value = CInt(e.CurrentFileCopyProgress) .Refresh() End With

Suggestion 2 (how i imagine it should be)

With MetroProgressBar1 .Style = MetroFramework.MetroColorStyle.Red .MetroProgressBarStyle = MetroProgressBarStyle.Blocks .Visible = True .Value = CInt(e.CurrentFileCopyProgress) .Refresh() End With

But when ever i use option 2, the program breaks and it reverts back to Suggestion 1's code.

Here is my original code which works flawlessly but with a normal ProgressBar not Metro Themed.

With ProgressBar1 .Style = ProgressBarStyle.Blocks .Visible = True .Value = CInt(e.CurrentFileCopyProgress) .Refresh() End With

Any help?