thielj / MetroFramework

Metro UI of Windows 8 for .NET Windows Forms applications
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Winform maximized issue #91

Closed sjayakumar closed 4 years ago

sjayakumar commented 7 years ago

My system connected in 17" monitor. I selected the extended screen option. if i maximize the metro form, in my form some of the controls are hiding. metro form taking the width as total of both screen. Please help me to fix this

imedele1 commented 6 years ago

Hello Sjayakumar Did you find an explanation to your problem. I have the same problem and I don't know how to fix it. For the moment I avoid using MetroFramework because of this problem.

Thank you for your feed-back

amnontopel commented 5 years ago

Any update on this one?

LuisAndres commented 4 years ago

Any update on this? I need help

LuisAndres commented 4 years ago

private void SetMaxBoxSize() { int maxwidth = 0; int maxheight = 0; foreach (var sc in Screen.AllScreens) {
if (MaximumSize.Width < sc.WorkingArea.Width) { maxwidth = sc.WorkingArea.Width; } if (MaximumSize.Height < sc.WorkingArea.Height) { maxheight = sc.WorkingArea.Height; }} MaximumSize = new Size(maxwidth, maxheight); } Added this code in MetroFramework.Forms.MetroForm, in the onLoad method. Works fine.

sjayakumar commented 4 years ago

Thank you for sharing details