Closed luminous-wu closed 11 months ago
Hi @luminous-wu , thank you for testing out the code. Do you have the same errors when running the other nodes (e.g., mono, stereo, mono-imu etc.) ? You can try them out by downloading an example bag from EuRoC dataset first. Most likely, I suspect it's an issue with incompatible packages. But If you can run it normally on a dual system, perhaps you can try using docker as well?
Thanks for your reply. Running other launch files would give the same error. Happily I got this fixed recently, I found the solution in question #4 :
By putting some prints in an there in the code i found out that the problem was caused by the line 70 in in the src folder of ORBSLAM3: "cv::FileStorage fsSettings(strSettingsFile.c_str(), cv::FileStorage::READ);" That line was giving "segmentation fault" error which was caused by the fact that cv-bridge that comes with ros melodic requires opencv 3.3 and the opencv version that i was using was 4.7. I solved the problem by installing a custom-made version of cv-bridge made for OpenCV 4. That's the question in stackoverflow that i followed to solve the problem:
This also solves the "segmentation fault" issue I was running ORB_SLAM3 in UZ-SLAMLab's code:
ORB_SLAM3 ➤ rosrun ORB_SLAM3 RGBD Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/RGB-D/TUM1.yaml
ORB-SLAM3 Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Carlos Campos, Richard Elvira, Juan J. Gómez, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
ORB-SLAM2 Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. See LICENSE.txt.
Input sensor was set to: RGB-D
[1] 28745 segmentation fault (core dumped) rosrun ORB_SLAM3 RGBD Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/RGB-D/TUM1.yaml
I am getting the same error with the euroc_mono when run with a monocular camera on a jetson nano ubuntu 20.04.
Thanks for your reply. Running other launch files would give the same error. Happily I got this fixed recently, I found the solution in question #4 :
By putting some prints in an there in the code i found out that the problem was caused by the line 70 in in the src folder of ORBSLAM3: "cv::FileStorage fsSettings(strSettingsFile.c_str(), cv::FileStorage::READ);" That line was giving "segmentation fault" error which was caused by the fact that cv-bridge that comes with ros melodic requires opencv 3.3 and the opencv version that i was using was 4.7. I solved the problem by installing a custom-made version of cv-bridge made for OpenCV 4. That's the question in stackoverflow that i followed to solve the problem:
This also solves the "segmentation fault" issue I was running ORB_SLAM3 in UZ-SLAMLab's code:
ORB_SLAM3 ➤ rosrun ORB_SLAM3 RGBD Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/RGB-D/TUM1.yaml ORB-SLAM3 Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Carlos Campos, Richard Elvira, Juan J. Gómez, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza. ORB-SLAM2 Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See LICENSE.txt. Input sensor was set to: RGB-D [1] 28745 segmentation fault (core dumped) rosrun ORB_SLAM3 RGBD Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/RGB-D/TUM1.yaml
@luminous-wu I got the same issue. How exactly you fix the "process has died exit code -11" and there is no transform between /world and /camera
@lazuraihan @gowthambbbs
Sorry for my late reply!
This is still a problem I encountered three months ago, I can't remember the exact details, there are some recollections of the steps you can try!
1. libopencv and opencv c++ versions need to be the same.,you can check their versions with following code:
dpkg -s libopencv-dev | grep Version
pkg-config opencv4 --modversion
modify the opencv4 if needed.
2. There may be a conflict between opencv and cv_bridge. I solved it by the instructions under this problem: Conflict between OpenCV 4 and cv_bridge in ROS Node:
In catkin_ws/src:
git clone
cd vision_opencv
git checkout opencv4
Hi, I tried to use your orb_slam3_ros code on a jetson xavier nx development board, catkin_make compiled successfully, but after using the
roslaunch orb_slam3_ros tum_rgbd.launch
command, the following errors occur: how can I fix them please?The full error message is as follows:
I installed eigen3, Pangolin, OpenCV normally, where opencv version is 4.1.1 and libopencv-dev version is as follows.
Also, I used orb_slam3_ros on a dual system ubuntu and it compiled and roslaunch successfully with opencv and libopencv-dev version 3.2.0. And there are no errors at all. How to fix them please, thanks!