thien94 / orb_slam3_ros_wrapper

A ROS wrapper for ORB-SLAM3. Focus on portability and flexibility.
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world frame #9

Closed geturin closed 2 years ago

geturin commented 2 years ago

hello,thank you for your work!

I think there are some problems in world frame.

ORB_SLAM have multiple map and world frame, every time it fail to track,it will create a new map,and new world frame ( world1 2 3 4

in there, world frame is only one, so if fail to track, tf have jump to origin , run on the wrong path before ORB_SLAM relocalization and back to world1

have any way to always get world1‘s coordinate ?

thien94 commented 2 years ago

Hi @geturin, thanks for the question.

Since the issue lies with ORB-SLAM3's algorithm, the ROS wrapper can't do anything about it. The ROS node just publishes whatever ORB-SLAM3 outputs.

I suggest looking for other similar questions over in the main repo

Hope this helps.

geturin commented 2 years ago

thank for reply I couldn't find a similar question, but it doesn't matter anymore, I realise the best solution is dont let it fial to track

there is another small problem, I think path canot transform to any frame other than the world frame when I change the fixed frame, point cloud can get transform, but path can't

thien94 commented 2 years ago

Have you also changed the name of target_frame_name and source_frame_name in the launch file? You probably have to update it every time the name changes.

geturin commented 2 years ago

OK it's worked