thien94 / vision_to_mavros

A collection of ROS and non-ROS (Python) code that converts data from vision-based system (external localization system like fiducial tags, VIO, SLAM, or depth image) to corresponding mavros topics or MAVLink messages that can be consumed by a flight control stack (with working and tested examples for ArduPilot).
GNU General Public License v3.0
242 stars 146 forks source link

Error when running roslaunch vision_to_mavros t265_tf_to_mavros.launch #50

Closed Wina30 closed 2 years ago

Wina30 commented 2 years ago

I get warning on my terminal, that say "[ WARN] [1636146132.931182478]: "camera_odom_frame" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist. ", that make problem with my drone because when I opened the inspector mavlink, that say is no viso_estimate was connect on my pixhawk. image

thien94 commented 2 years ago

As the error message says, the issue is that there is no camera_odom_frame in the /tf tree. Either the camera driver is not running, or the name of the frame(s) does not match.

First, check the camera driver launch file, verify that it is working properly and verify the names of the frame ids. If the driver is running ok, either modify the frame id on the driver's side or in the t265_tf_to_mavros.launch file.

Hope this helps.

Wina30 commented 2 years ago

in my rostopic echo /tf doesn't appear any information image so is my problem relate to the camera driver?

thien94 commented 2 years ago

Yes, that seems to be the case. If the driver is running properly, the /tf should be populated.

Wina30 commented 2 years ago

Thanks about your answer, my realsense was work now, I just reinstall my realsense driver