thierrygosselin / assigner

Population assignment analysis using R
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problem with assignment_ngs function #8

Closed elpetrou closed 7 years ago

elpetrou commented 7 years ago


I am trying to use the assignment_ngs function on a genind object and receiving an error message.

Read in genepop file and save as genind object

my_data <-read.genepop("Herring_PopulationStructure_3001loci_301samples.gen", ncode = 2)

my_assignment <- assignment_ngs(my_data, assignment.analysis = "gsi_sim", sampling.method == "ranked", thl = 1, iteration.method = 10, subsample = NULL, iteration.subsample = 10, common.markers = FALSE, marker.number = "100", verbose = TRUE, folder = NULL, filename = "assignment_data.txt", keep.gsi.files = FALSE, random.seed = NULL, parallel.core = parallel::detectCores() - 1)

I am receiving the following error message:

Assignment analysis with gsi_sim Map-independent imputations: no Error in stringi::stri_join(getwd(), "/", "assignmentanalysis", "method_", : object 'sampling.method' not found

I would appreciate any help that you could provide.

Best regards,


elpetrou commented 7 years ago

Nevermind! I see the bug in my code!